致命错误:无法将类PDOStatement的对象转换为第96行的C:\ xampp \ htdocs \ myjob \ like_unlike \ index.php中的字符串
<div class="rate-count"><?php echo $rate_all_count; ?></div>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>WebCodo :: Like & Dislike System With jQuery Ajax and PHP</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
include 'config.php';
$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$pageID = '38'; // The ID of the page, the article or the video ...
//function to calculate the percent
function percent($num_amount, $num_total) {
@$count1 = $num_amount / $num_total;
$count2 = $count1 * 100;
$count = number_format($count2, 0);
return $count;
// check if the user has already clicked on the unlike (rate = 2) or the like (rate = 1)
$dislike_sql = $DB_con->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wcd_yt_rate WHERE ip = "'.$user_ip.'" and id_item = "'.$pageID.'" and rate = 2 ');
//$dislike_count = mysql_result($dislike_sql, 0);
$like_sql = $DB_con->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wcd_yt_rate WHERE ip = "'.$user_ip.'" and id_item = "'.$pageID.'" and rate = 1 ');
//$like_count = mysql_result($like_sql, 0);
// count all the rate
$rate_all_count = $DB_con->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wcd_yt_rate WHERE id_item = "'.$pageID.'"');
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception : ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
$rate_like_count = $DB_con->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wcd_yt_rate WHERE id_item = "'.$pageID.'" and rate = 1');
$rate_like_percent = percent($rate_like_count, $rate_all_count);
$rate_dislike_count = $DB_con->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wcd_yt_rate WHERE id_item = "'.$pageID.'" and rate = 2');
$rate_dislike_percent = percent($rate_dislike_count, $rate_all_count);
var pageID = <?php echo $pageID; ?>;
success: function(){
success: function(){
<div class="tab-cnt">
<div class="tab-tr" id="t1">
<div class="like-btn <?php if($like_count == 1){ echo 'like-h';} ?>">Like</div>
<div class="dislike-btn <?php if($dislike_count == 1){ echo 'dislike-h';} ?>"></div>
<div class="stat-cnt">
<div class="rate-count"><?php echo $rate_all_count; ?></div>
<div class="stat-bar">
<div class="bg-green" style="width:<?php echo $rate_like_percent; ?>%;"></div>
<div class="bg-red" style="width:<?php echo $rate_dislike_percent; ?>%"></div>
</div><!-- stat-bar -->
<div class="dislike-count"><?php echo $rate_dislike_count; ?></div>
<div class="like-count"><?php echo $rate_like_count; ?></div>
</div><!-- /stat-cnt -->
</div><!-- /tab-tr -->
</div><!-- /share-cnt -->
</div><!-- /tuto-cnt -->
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// 1) prepare the statement
$rate_all_count = $DB_con->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wcd_yt_rate WHERE id_item=:iid')
// 2) execute it (with some parameters)
$rate_all_count->execute( array(':iid'=>$pageID) );
// 3) fetch the result
// - in this case it's just one row having one column
// so, let's shift the element from the array returned by stmt->fetch()
// and assign it to a variable
$rate_all_count_value = array_shift($rate_all_count->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM));
// 4) do something with the value
echo $rate_all_count_value;