
时间:2010-08-25 11:02:05

标签: linq tsql dynamic pivot

我有一个T-SQL 2005查询返回:

pid         propertyid  displayname     value
----------- ----------- --------------- ---------------
14270790    74          Low Price       1.3614
14270790    75          High Price      0
14270791    74          Low Price       1.3525
14270791    75          High Price      0
14270792    74          Low Price       1.353
14270792    75          High Price      0
14270793    74          Low Price       1.3625
14270793    75          High Price      0
14270794    74          Low Price       1.3524
14270794    75          High Price      0


pid       Low Price  High Price
14270790  1.3614     0
14270791  1.3525     0
14270792  1.353      0
14270793  1.3625     0
14270794  1.3524     0

(不确定如何输出propertyid字段,所以我把它遗漏了(希望它只是放在Low Price和High Price字段旁边,以表明它们的ID,但我认为这不会起作用。 )

问题是原始displayname字段的内容是动态的 - 它是通过PropertyName' table, so the number of pivoted columns is variable. It could therefore contain高价,低价,开放{的加入生成的{1}}关闭`,具体取决于与该表的连接返回的内容。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


         var data = new[] {
                new{Student=1, Subject="English", Marks=40},
                new{Student=1, Subject="Maths", Marks=50},
                new{Student=1, Subject="Science", Marks=60},
                new{Student=1, Subject="Physics", Marks=70},
                new{Student=1, Subject="Chemistry", Marks=80},
                new{Student=1, Subject="Biology", Marks=90},
                new{Student=2, Subject="English", Marks=4},
                new{Student=2, Subject="Maths", Marks=5},
                new{Student=2, Subject="Science", Marks=6},
                new{Student=2, Subject="Physics", Marks=7},
                new{Student=2, Subject="Chemistry", Marks=8},
                new{Student=2, Subject="Biology", Marks=9}

        /*Here the pivot column is the subject and the static column is student
        group the data against the static column(s)*/

        var groups = from d in data
                     group d by d.Student into grp
                     select new
                         StudentId = grp.Key,
                         Marks = grp.Select(d2 => new { d2.Subject, d2.Marks }).ToArray()

        /*get all possible subjects into a separate group*/
        var subjects = (from d in data
                        select d.Subject).Distinct();

        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        /*for static cols*/

        /*for dynamic cols*/
        foreach (var subject in subjects)

        /*pivot the data into a new datatable*/
        foreach (var g in groups)
            DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["STUDENT_ID"] = g.StudentId;

            foreach (var mark in g.Marks)
                dr[mark.Subject] = mark.Marks;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是我能得到的最接近的,但它不是LINQ ......

create table #t
    pointid [int],
    doublevalue [float],
    title [nvarchar](50)

insert into #t
        distinct top 100
        v.pointid, v.doublevalue, p.title
    from [property] p
        inner join pointvalue v on p.propertyid = v.propertyid
        inner join point pt on v.pointid = pt.pointid
    where v.pointid in (select top 5 p.pointid from point p where p.instanceid = 36132)

declare @fields nvarchar(250)
set @fields = (select STUFF((SELECT N',[' + title + ']' FROM [property] FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, N''))
--select @fields

declare @sql nvarchar(500)
set @sql = 'select * from #t
    for [title] in ('+@fields+')
) as alias'
--select @sql

exec (@sql)

drop table #t


答案 2 :(得分:0)


var list = from table in Property
                       group table by table.pid into g
                       select new
                           pid = g.key,
                           LowPrice = g.Where(w => w.pid== g.key && w.priceType == "low").Select(s => s.value).FirstorDefault(),
                           HighPrice = g.Where(w => w.pid== g.key && w.priceType == "high").Select(s => s.value).FirstorDefault(),
