
时间:2010-08-25 10:30:23

标签: c# .net string stringbuilder


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:53)

在.NET 2.0中,它在内部使用String类。 String仅在System命名空间之外是不可变的,因此StringBuilder可以做到这一点。

在.NET 4.0中,String已更改为使用char[]

2.0 StringBuilder看起来像这样

public sealed class StringBuilder : ISerializable
    // Fields
    private const string CapacityField = "Capacity";
    internal const int DefaultCapacity = 0x10;
    internal IntPtr m_currentThread;
    internal int m_MaxCapacity;
    internal volatile string m_StringValue; // HERE ----------------------
    private const string MaxCapacityField = "m_MaxCapacity";
    private const string StringValueField = "m_StringValue";
    private const string ThreadIDField = "m_currentThread";


public sealed class StringBuilder : ISerializable
    // Fields
    private const string CapacityField = "Capacity";
    internal const int DefaultCapacity = 0x10;
    internal char[] m_ChunkChars; // HERE --------------------------------
    internal int m_ChunkLength;
    internal int m_ChunkOffset;
    internal StringBuilder m_ChunkPrevious;
    internal int m_MaxCapacity;
    private const string MaxCapacityField = "m_MaxCapacity";
    internal const int MaxChunkSize = 0x1f40;
    private const string StringValueField = "m_StringValue";
    private const string ThreadIDField = "m_currentThread";


编辑:更新了答案以反映.NET 4中的更改(我刚才发现)。

答案 1 :(得分:27)

接受的答案错过了一英里的标记。 4.0中StringBuilder的重大变化不是从不安全的string变为char[] - 事实上StringBuilder 现在实际上是一个链接列表StringBuilder个实例。




答案 2 :(得分:7)

不是 - 它使用内部字符缓冲区。只有当缓冲区容量耗尽时,它才会分配新的缓冲区。追加操作将简单地添加到此缓冲区,当调用ToString()方法时将创建字符串对象 - 此后,由于每个传统的字符串连接将创建新字符串,因此它适用于许多字符串连接。您还可以指定字符串构建器的初始容量,如果您对它有粗略的了解以避免多次分配。

编辑:人们指出我的理解是错误的。 请忽略答案(我宁愿不删除它 - 它将证明我的无知: - )

答案 3 :(得分:3)

我做了一个小样本来演示StringBuilder在.NET 4中是如何工作的。合同是

public interface ISimpleStringBuilder
    ISimpleStringBuilder Append(string value);
    ISimpleStringBuilder Clear();
    int Lenght { get; }
    int Capacity { get; }


public class SimpleStringBuilder : ISimpleStringBuilder
    public const int DefaultCapacity = 32;

    private char[] _internalBuffer;

    public int Lenght { get; private set; }
    public int Capacity { get; private set; }

    public SimpleStringBuilder(int capacity)
        Capacity = capacity;
        _internalBuffer = new char[capacity];
        Lenght = 0;

    public SimpleStringBuilder() : this(DefaultCapacity) { }

    public ISimpleStringBuilder Append(string value)
        char[] data = value.ToCharArray();

        //check if space is available for additional data

        foreach (char t in data)
            _internalBuffer[Lenght] = t;

        return this;

    public ISimpleStringBuilder Clear()
        _internalBuffer = new char[Capacity];
        Lenght = 0;
        return this;

    public override string ToString()
        //use only non-null ('\0') characters
        var tmp = new char[Lenght];
        for (int i = 0; i < Lenght; i++)
            tmp[i] = _internalBuffer[i];
        return new string(tmp);

    private void InternalExpandBuffer()
        //double capacity by default
        Capacity *= 2;

        //copy to new array
        var tmpBuffer = new char[Capacity];
        for (int i = 0; i < _internalBuffer.Length; i++)
            char c = _internalBuffer[i];
            tmpBuffer[i] = c;
        _internalBuffer = tmpBuffer;

    private void InternalEnsureCapacity(int additionalLenghtRequired)
        while (Lenght + additionalLenghtRequired > Capacity)
            //not enough space in the current buffer    
            //double capacity



答案 4 :(得分:2)

如果我在.NET 2中查看.NET Reflector,我会发现:

public StringBuilder Append(string value)
    if (value != null)
        string stringValue = this.m_StringValue;
        IntPtr currentThread = Thread.InternalGetCurrentThread();
        if (this.m_currentThread != currentThread)
            stringValue = string.GetStringForStringBuilder(stringValue, stringValue.Capacity);
        int length = stringValue.Length;
        int requiredLength = length + value.Length;
        if (this.NeedsAllocation(stringValue, requiredLength))
            string newString = this.GetNewString(stringValue, requiredLength);
            newString.AppendInPlace(value, length);
            this.ReplaceString(currentThread, newString);
            stringValue.AppendInPlace(value, length);
            this.ReplaceString(currentThread, stringValue);
    return this;


编辑除了在.NET 4中,它是char[]

答案 5 :(得分:2)

如果你想看到一个可能的实现(类似于微软实现到v3.5的那个实现),你可以在github上看到the source of the Mono one