
时间:2016-02-26 04:56:15

标签: vb.net


02/26/16 11:36:06.33,0.530, ,934
02/26/16 11:36:06.34,0.540, ,935
02/26/16 11:36:06.34,0.540, ,932
02/26/16 11:36:06.37,0.560, ,935
02/26/16 11:36:06.37,0.570, ,934
02/26/16 11:36:06.38,0.580, ,933
02/26/16 11:36:06.41,0.610, ,932
02/26/16 11:36:06.42,0.610, ,933
02/26/16 11:36:06.43,0.630, ,933
02/26/16 11:36:06.44,0.640, ,932
02/26/16 11:36:06.46,0.660, ,931
02/26/16 11:36:06.47,0.670, ,931
02/26/16 11:36:06.49,0.690, ,933
02/26/16 11:36:06.49,0.690, ,931
02/26/16 11:36:06.51,0.710, ,934
02/26/16 11:36:06.53,0.720, ,927
02/26/16 11:36:06.54,0.740, ,932
02/26/16 11:36:06.55,0.750, ,932
02/26/16 11:36:06.57,0.770, ,933
02/26/16 11:36:06.59,0.790, ,929




02/29/16 12:24:02.25,10.000, ,1044


0202/29/16 12:23:32.35,10.110, ,916
02/29/1602/29/16 12:23:25.87,3.630, ,912
02/29/16 12:24:04.84,12.02/29/16 12:24:05.87,13.620, ,1041
02/29/16 12:23:56.45,4.200, ,02/29/16 12:23:57.12,4.870, ,1041
02/29/16 102/29/16 12:23:27.42,5.180, ,913
02/29/16 12:23:48.80,26.560, ,502/29/16 12:23:49.12,26.880, ,503

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

不是将值读入数组,而是将它们添加到List中更容易 - 如果你想做其他事情,列表会更强大。



表单上还有一个标签,在我的代码中是label1,但您可以将其更改为您想要的任何内容 - 这会显示数据检查程序的状态,并由Timer1 <更新/ p>

Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading

Public Class Form1
    'Your Filename
    Const fileName As String = "C:\Users\Dad\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\readDataFromLiveFile\readDataFromLiveFile\TextFile1.txt"
    'The required date format
    Dim dateFormat As String = "MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.ff"
    'The range you want to specify goes here
    Dim Min As Single = 300
    Dim Max As Single = 950

    'Structure to make handling of the data easier
    Structure DataLine
        Public [Date] As String
        Public Data1 As String
        Public Data2 As String
        Public Data3 As String
        Public Validated As Boolean
    End Structure

    '02/26/16 11:36:06.59,0.790, ,929
    Private Function GetLastFiveLines() As List(Of String)
        Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
        Dim lastline As Integer = lines.GetUpperBound(0)
        Dim templist As New List(Of String)
        If lines.GetUpperBound(0) > 4 Then
            templist.Add(lines(lastline - 4))
            templist.Add(lines(lastline - 3))
            templist.Add(lines(lastline - 2))
            templist.Add(lines(lastline - 1))
            templist.Add(lines(lastline - 0))
        End If
        Return templist
    End Function

    '02/26/16 11:36:06.59,0.790, ,929
    'TODO Try to parse a line and discard it if the data isn's valid
    Private Function SplitLine(line As String) As DataLine
        Dim tempDataLine As New DataLine
        Dim result As DateTime
        With tempDataLine
            .Validated = False
            Dim temp() As String
            'split the line into it's fields
            temp = Split(line, ","c)
            'If there Then are more than four fields then mark the resulting dataline as not validated and exit the function
            If temp.GetUpperBound(0) > 3 Then
                .Validated = False
                Return tempDataLine
            End If
            'if the date can't be parsed, mark as not validated and exit function
            'If Not DateTime.TryParse(temp(0), culture, styles, result) Then
            If Not DateTime.TryParseExact(temp(0), "MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.ff", New CultureInfo("en-us"), DateTimeStyles.None, result) Then
                .Validated = False
                Return tempDataLine
                .Date = result.ToString
                .Data1 = temp(1)
                .Data2 = temp(2)
                .Data3 = temp(3)
                .Validated = True
                Return tempDataLine
            End If
        End With

        Return tempDataLine
    End Function

    Private Sub CheckFileData_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles CheckFileData.DoWork
        Dim lastFiveLines As New List(Of String)
        Dim tempdata As Double
            Dim s As New Stopwatch
            Dim insideRangeCount As Integer = 0
            'get last 5 lines of file
            lastFiveLines = GetLastFiveLines()
            'try to split them into a DataLine Structure and check the data values
            For Each line As String In lastFiveLines
                Dim tempDataline As DataLine = SplitLine(line)
                'If the line has been validated
                If tempDataline.Validated = True Then
                    'check if the last data item is within the specified range
                    tempdata = CDbl(tempDataline.Data3)
                    Select Case tempdata
                        Case Min To Max
                            insideRangeCount += 1
                        Case Else
                            insideRangeCount = 0
                    End Select
                End If
            'If 5 or more items have been found, popup a message box and stop checking
            ' You can remove the cancelasync command if you wish and change what happens
            'if 5 items in a row are found by changing the code within this If statement
            If insideRangeCount >= 5 Then
                Dim messageString As String = String.Format("Notification: 5 consecutive samples are with the range: {0} to {1}", Min, Max)
                insideRangeCount = 0
            End If
            'keep going till the universe goes cold or until someone tells the background worker to stop
            Dim p As Long = s.ElapsedMilliseconds
        Loop Until CheckFileData.CancellationPending
        e.Cancel = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        If CheckFileData.IsBusy Then
            label1.text = "Checking"
            label1.text = "Idle"
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnStartChecking_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStartChecking.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnStopChecking_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStopChecking.Click
    End Sub

End Class