$.fn.Ticker = function(options)
var defaults = {
// This is how long the text remains
pause: 4000,
// Transition in
fadeIn: 200,
// Transition out
fadeOut: 200,
// Pause between displaying each item when fading between items.
delay: 10,
// Next news item typed out one character at a time. If false item will fade in. (boolean)
typewriter: true,
// Time to type each character if using the typewriter effect (integer, normal typewriter speed is 35 I placed it at 30
speed: 57,
// Character to use to mimic a computer cursor if using the typewriter effect.
cursor: '_'
// Merge default options with user options
var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
return $(this).each(function()
var list = $(this), typewriter = {}, interval;
// Activate ticker and display first item
.css('display', 'block');
function changeItem()
var item = list.children(':first'),
next = item.next(),
copy = item.clone();
// Append copy of current item to bottom of list
.css('display', 'none')
// Fade current item out, remove from DOM then animate the next item
item.fadeOut(opts.fadeOut, function()
// Animate
if (opts.typewriter)
typewriter.string = next.text();
.css('display', 'block');
typewriter.count = 0;
typewriter.timeout = setInterval(type, opts.speed);
.fadeIn(opts.fadeIn, function ()
setTimeout(changeItem, opts.pause);
function type()
var text = typewriter.string.substring(0, typewriter.count);
if (typewriter.count >= typewriter.string.length)
setTimeout(changeItem, opts.pause);
else if (opts.cursor)
text+= ' ' + opts.cursor;
// Test there are more items to display then start ticker
if (list.find('li').length > 1 )
interval = setTimeout(changeItem, opts.pause);