<?php require 'session.php';
require 'header.php';
require 'includes/database.php';
$userid = $_GET['id'];
$con = mysql_connect($servername, $username, $password);
if(!$con) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
include 'user/clientinfo.php';
echo "<br>";
include 'user/xlrstatsinfo.php';
echo "<br>";
include 'user/aliases.php';
include 'user/ipaliases.php';
include 'user/penalties.php';
include 'user/userchatlog.php';
require '../session.php';
<div id='retrieved-data'>
this is where data will be shown
<img src="../images/ajax-loader.gif" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "../includes/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script type = "text/javascript">
$(function() {
//call the function onload
getdata( 1 );
function getdata( pageno ){
var targetURL = '../includes/pagination/userchatlog/search_results.php?page=' + pageno;
$('#retrieved-data').html('<p><img src="../images/ajax-loader.gif" /></p>');
$('#retrieved-data').load( targetURL ).hide().fadeIn('slow');
<!-- include style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
//open database
include '../../database.php';
//include our awesome pagination
//class (library)
include 'ps_pagination.php';
//connect to mysql server
$mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
//check if any connection error was encountered
if(mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Error: Could not connect to database.";
function _ago($tm,$rcs = 0) {
$cur_tm = time(); $dif = $cur_tm-$tm;
$pds = array('second','minute','hour','day','week','month','year','decade');
$lngh = array(1,60,3600,86400,604800,2630880,31570560,315705600);
for($v = sizeof($lngh)-1; ($v >= 0)&&(($no = $dif/$lngh[$v])<=1); $v--); if($v < 0) $v = 0; $_tm = $cur_tm-($dif%$lngh[$v]);
$no = floor($no); if($no <> 1) $pds[$v] .='s ago'; $x=sprintf("%d %s ",$no,$pds[$v]);
if(($rcs == 1)&&($v >= 1)&&(($cur_tm-$_tm) > 0)) $x .= time_ago($_tm);
return $x;
//query all data anyway you want
$sql = "SELECT * FROM chatlog WHERE msg NOT LIKE '%RADIO%' ORDER BY id DESC";
//now, where gonna use our pagination class
//this is a significant part of our pagination
//i will explain the PS_Pagination parameters
//$conn is a variable from our config_open_db.php
//$sql is our sql statement above
//3 is the number of records retrieved per page
//4 is the number of page numbers rendered below
//null - i used null since in dont have any other
//parameters to pass (i.e. param1=valu1¶m2=value2)
//you can use this if you're gonna use this class for search
//results since you will have to pass search keywords
$pager = new PS_Pagination( $mysqli, $sql, 45, 4, null );
//our pagination class will render new
//recordset (search results now are limited
//for pagination)
$rs = $pager->paginate();
//get retrieved rows to check if
//there are retrieved data
$num = $rs->num_rows;
if($num >= 1 ){
//creating our table header
echo "<table id='my-tbl'>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Time</th>";
echo "<th>Name</th>";
echo "<th>Message</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//looping through the records retrieved
while( $row = $rs->fetch_assoc() ){
$team = str_replace("42","<img src=images/green.png>",$team);
$team = str_replace("3","<img src=images/red.png>",$team);
$team = str_replace("2","<img src=images/blue.png>",$team);
$team = str_replace("1","<img src=images/grey.png>",$team);
$msg = str_replace("^0","</font><font color=black>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^1","</font><font color=red>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^2","</font><font color=lime>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^3","</font><font color=yellow>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^4","</font><font color=blue>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^5","</font><font color=aqua>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^6","</font><font color=#FF00FF>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^7","</font><font color=white>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^8","</font><font color=white>",$msg);
$msg = str_replace("^9","</font><font color=gray>",$msg);
echo "<tr class='data-tr' align='center'>";
echo "<td align=center>";
echo _ago($time);
echo "</td>";
echo "<td align=center>";
echo $team;
echo "<a href='".$row["client_id"]."' > $name </a></td>";
echo "<td align=left> $msg </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
//if no records found
echo "No records found!";
//page-nav class to control
//the appearance of our page
//number navigation
echo "<div class='page-nav' align='center'>";
//display our page number navigation
echo $pager->renderFullNav();
echo "</div>";