
时间:2008-12-10 13:10:24

标签: windows command-line


cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > "C:\temp\Folder Containing Spaces\SomeProgram.out"



// quotes not required around folder with no spaces
cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > C:\temp\FolderWithNoSpaces\SomeProgram.out


从输出中获取帮助:cmd /?

如果指定了/ C或/ K,那么后面的命令行的其余部分 交换机作为命令行处理,其中包含以下逻辑 用于处理引号(“)字符:

1.  If all of the following conditions are met, then quote characters
    on the command line are preserved:

    - no /S switch
    - exactly two quote characters
    - no special characters between the two quote characters,
      where special is one of: &<>()@^|
    - there are one or more whitespace characters between the
      the two quote characters
    - the string between the two quote characters is the name
      of an executable file.

2.  Otherwise, old behavior is to see if the first character is
    a quote character and if so, strip the leading character and
    remove the last quote character on the command line, preserving
    any text after the last quote character.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:71)


如果你使用/ S,并用引号包装整个东西,它只是删除那些外引号。

cmd.exe /S /C " do what you like here, quotes within the outermost quotes will be preserved "

答案 1 :(得分:9)


cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > "C:\temp\Folder Containing Spaces\SomeProgram.out"

我在这里复制了你的例子 http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YtwQXTGN

C:\>cmd /c "c:\Program Files\my folder\my long program.exe" > "c:\temp\spaces are here\a.a"

C:\>type "c:\temp\spaces are here\a.a"
my long program.exe has run


further example demonstrating it works with "my long program.exe", removing cmd /c, it operates fine too.

C:\>"c:\Program Files\my folder\my long program.exe" > "c:\temp\spaces are here\

C:\>type "c:\temp\spaces are here\a.a"
my long program.exe has run


Another example, but with replace.  replace with no parameters says "source path required"  "no files replaced"

C:\>replace > a.a
Source path required

C:\>type a.a
No files replaced

Exactly the same effect when they're in folders with spaces.

C:\>cmd /c "c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe" > "c:\temp\spaces are here\r.r"
Source path required

C:\>type "c:\temp\spaces are here\r.r"
No files replaced


further demonstration with replace
without cmd /c works fine too.

C:\>"c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe" > "c:\temp\spaces are here\r.r"
Source path required

C:\>type "c:\temp\spaces are here\r.r"
No files replaced



cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > "C:\temp\Folder Containing Spaces\SomeProgram.out"

以及它如何/为什么以它的方式工作,是因为&gt;由host.exe解释为特殊所以这部分cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" - 我认为 - 首先进行评估。即cmd / c没有看到&gt;之后。

cmd /?显示2例


If /C or /K is specified, then the remainder of the command line after
the switch is processed as a command line, where the following logic is
used to process quote (") characters:

    1.  If all of the following conditions are met, then quote characters
        on the command line are preserved:

        - no /S switch
        - exactly two quote characters
        - no special characters between the two quote characters,
          where special is one of: &<>()@^|
        - there are one or more whitespace characters between the
          two quote characters
        - the string between the two quote characters is the name
          of an executable file.

    2.  Otherwise, old behavior is to see if the first character is
        a quote character and if so, strip the leading character and
        remove the last quote character on the command line, preserving
        any text after the last quote character.

您可以测试您的示例是否适合案例1,因为如果您添加/ s(不添加任何引号或对您的示例进行任何更改除了添加/ s),那么您会得到不同的结果,因为它使你的例子命中案例2.所以证明你的例子肯定是一个案例1.它明显符合案例1的所有标准。 如果您的示例是案例2,并且您添加了/ s,则它没有任何区别。

您的回答很有趣,因为它显示了另一种获取结果的方法,但是在案例2中。通过添加额外的引号并添加/ s。

但实际上,当你添加那些额外的引号时,你刚刚把它作为案例2,并且在它之上添加一个/ s将没有什么区别。

C:\>cmd /c "c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe"
Source path required
No files replaced

C:\>cmd /s /c "c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe"
'c:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\>cmd /c ""c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe""
Source path required
No files replaced

C:\>cmd /s /c ""c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe""
Source path required
No files replaced



cmd.exe /C "C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > "C:\temp\Folder Containing Spaces\SomeProgram.out"

您提供的替代方案(使用/ S和外部引号)作为示例工作的答案,也可以正常工作

cmd.exe /S /C ""C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > "C:\temp\Folder Containing Spaces\SomeProgram.out""

虽然您的答案可以替代,但实际上可以通过删除/ S来简化,因为它已经是案例2,所以添加/ s不会有任何区别。因此,这将改进您的答案中给出的解决方案

cmd.exe /C ""C:\Program Files\Somewhere\SomeProgram.exe" > "C:\temp\Folder Containing Spaces\SomeProgram.out""


我希望我在这里没有错,我可能有。但是你的问题和答案确实帮助我了解cmd,特别是cmd / c是如何工作的!

也许你的例子过于简单化了你的实例,而你的实际确实失败并需要你的修正。如果您的示例案例稍微复杂一点,例如,为程序的参数设置参数,那么它就会失败案例1,你确实需要更多的引号(/ S不会改变结果) ,所以没有/ S是必要的,因为一旦你添加了那些需要的外部引号,它已经是一个案例2)。但是你在问题中给出的例子在我看来实际上可以正常工作。

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