我在提取时得到Null Pointer Exception" Afis.Extract()"使用sourceAFIS进行指纹提取

时间:2016-02-23 14:26:57

标签: c# nullreferenceexception fingerprint



class FingerprintProcessor
    // Shared AfisEngine instance (cannot be shared between different threads though)
    static AfisEngine Afis;
    public static MyPerson EnrollCustomer(string fileName, Customer cust)
    //static CustomerBio EnrollCustomer(Customer cust, FingerprintData custFingerprint)
        Console.WriteLine("Enrolling {0}...", cust.FirstName);

        // Initialize empty fingerprint object and set properties
        CustomerFingerprint fp = new CustomerFingerprint();
        fp.Filename = fileName;
        // Load image from the file
        Console.WriteLine(" Loading image from {0}...", fileName);
        BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(fileName, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
        fp.AsBitmapSource = image;
        // Above update of fp.AsBitmapSource initialized also raw image in fp.Image
        // Check raw image dimensions, Y axis is first, X axis is second
        MessageBox.Show(fp.Image.GetLength(1) +" "+ fp.Image.GetLength(0));

        // Initialize empty person object and set its properties
        MyPerson customer = new MyPerson();
        customer.Name = cust.FirstName;
        // Add fingerprint to the person

        // Execute extraction in order to initialize fp.Template
        Console.WriteLine(" Extracting template...");
                Afis.Extract(customer); This is where the NullReference is thrown.
        catch (Exception e1) {
        // Check template size
        Console.WriteLine(" Template size = {0} bytes", fp.Template.Length);

        return customer;

class MyPerson :Person
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public MyPerson processCustomer(Customer aCust)
        return new MyPerson
            Name = aCust.FirstName + " " + aCust.LastName,

    private void btnSaveCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Initialize SourceAFIS
        Afis = new AfisEngine();
            FaceRecEntities custEnt = new FaceRecEntities();

            var allCustomers=custEnt.Customers.Select(theCusts=> new MyPerson{Name=theCusts.FirstName,

            Customer cust = new Customer();

            cust.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
            cust.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
            cust.PhoneNo = textBox1.Text;
            cust.Email = txtPhone.Text;
            cust.Picture = imgConversion.ConvertFileToByte(this.pictureBoxPhoto.ImageLocation);
            cust.FingerprintImage = imgConversion.ConvertFileToByte(this.pictureBoxFingerPrint1.ImageLocation);

            //MyPerson customerBio=new MyPerson().processCustomer(cust);

            MyPerson customerBio = new MyPerson();

                FingerprintProcessor.EnrollCustomer(this.pictureBoxFingerPrint1.ImageLocation, cust);
            catch (Exception ex) 
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(),"The Enroll Not Working");
            Afis.Threshold = 10;

            MyPerson match = Afis.Identify(customerBio, allCustomers).FirstOrDefault() as MyPerson;
            // Null result means that there is no candidate with similarity score above threshold
            if (match == null)
                Console.WriteLine("No matching person found.");
                MessageBox.Show("No matching person found.");

            MessageBox.Show("Probe " +customerBio.Name+ " matches registered person "+ match.Name);

            // Compute similarity score
            float score = Afis.Verify(customerBio, match);
            Console.WriteLine("Similarity score between {0} and {1} = {2:F3}", customerBio.Name, match.Name, score);

            MessageBox.Show("Customer Save Success");

        catch(Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(),"Can't add customer");

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

static AfisEngine Afis未在您的课程中初始化。您必须在静态类中初始化它 -

class FingerprintProcessor
    static AfisEngine Afis =  new AfisEngine();


private void btnSaveCustomer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Initialize SourceAFIS
    Afis = new AfisEngine(); // this is wrong if its static variable.


public static MyPerson EnrollCustomer(string fileName, Customer cust, AfisEngine Afis)