背景:我正在尝试改进我用于库存的Excel电子表格。我需要将两个单元格一起添加并将结果放回第一个(原始单元格)。 Here is a screenshot of the excel sheet...
这是我的代码...... Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, p As Integer, r As Integer, v As Integer
' i is for the column in Inventory
' p is for the column in Pending
' r is for the current row
' v is the holding variable for the Sum of both cells
For r = 2 to 30
For i = 2 To 18
Range("AR2").Formula = "=SUM(Cells(r,i),Cells(r,p)" 'This is not proper syntax I think
v = Range("AR2").Value 'Assigning the value fo he forumla to the variable
Cells(r, i).ClearContents
Cells(r, p).ClearContents
Cells(r, i).Value = v 'need to add an if/then statment to clear cell is value is zero
Range("AR2").ClearContents 'Do I really need this here cant I add this after the loop?
Next i
Next r
End Sub`
Alex S
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您不需要将AR2用作“保持单元”。只需保留价值。如果您需要使用工作表的原生SUM function的安全开销(单元格值可能是文本),请使用WorksheetFunction object或Excel Application object以方便其使用。
For r = 2 to 30
For i = 2 To 18
v = Application.Sum(Cells(r,i), Cells(r,p))
Cells(r, i).ClearContents
Cells(r, p).ClearContents
if cbool(v) then 'v is not zero
Cells(r, i).Value = v
end if
Next i
Next r
顺便说一句,原始公式缺少结束括号,您需要Range.Address property,而不是Range object。
Range("AR2").Formula = "=SUM(" & Cells(r,i).Address & "," & Cells(r,p).Address & ")"