
时间:2016-02-22 16:01:13

标签: php html css


我有一个Add to Favourites在登录用户的个人资料页面之外的页面上可见。让我们假设我以Freddy身份登录,然后我转到Alice的个人资料页面,其中按钮可见,并且为按钮指定的操作工作,数据被发送到数据库。但是,我试图指定一旦用户已经登录用户收藏夹,Add to Favourites按钮将被Remove from Favourites替换。

我首先无法指定用户只能对用户进行一次收藏,此时,当在任何配置文件上单击Add to Favourites时,数据库将更新为多行,当Freddy应该只允许爱丽丝一次。


// code to process a favourite request
if (isset($_POST['addfriend'])) { 
    $fav_request    = $_POST['addfriend'];
    $favourited_who = $user; // u variable
    $favourited_by  = $username; // logged in user
    * Need to check that the user who is logged in, hasnt already got the $user in there favs

    // Step 1: Get all the favourites of the logged in user...
    $q = mysqli_query ($connect, "SELECT * FROM favourites");
        while ($r_query = mysqli_fetch_array($q)) {
            $db_fav_who = $r_query['favourited_who'];
            $db_fav_by = $r_query['favourited_by'];
    // Step 2: Check whether the profile page the user is viewing, isnt already in there favourites...

    // Check: See if $user isn't already in there favourites.
    if ($db_fav_by == $username){ // check to see which users favourites we are checking
        // if the user already exists in the logged in users favourites, then display remove from favourites button.
        if ($db_fav_who == $user){
            echo "<div class='edit_profile'>
                <input type='submit' class='btn btn-info' name='remfriend' value='Remove from Favourites'>
        }// while loop closed
    if ($user != $username) { // Check: See user isnt favouriting themself.
        $favourite_user = mysqli_query($connect, "INSERT INTO favourites VALUES ('', '$favourited_who', '$favourited_by')");
        echo "done ";
} // if isset closed


<div class="edit-profile">
    if ($user == $username){
    // dont display buttons
    }else { ?>
        <form action="" method="post">
         echo  "
            <input type='submit' class='btn btn-info' name='sendmsg' value='Send Message'/>
            <input type='submit' class='btn btn-info' name='addfriend' value='Add to Favourites'>

注意$user是获取网址中u变量的变量。 $username是登录用户的会话变量。

如果{/ 1}}按钮不在登录用户变量中,我怎么才能看到它?如果是,我如何才能看到Add to Favourites按钮而不是Remove from Favourites按钮?

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