
时间:2016-02-22 15:55:58

标签: ios swift uinavigationcontroller uistoryboardsegue

我正在尝试从嵌入在导航控制器中的视图控制器设置自定义segue。当我使用show segue时,一切都很好,导航栏仍保持预期状态。但是,当我尝试使用自定义segue类时,导航栏会消失。检查后,导航控制器不在定制后的segue视图控制器中。所以似乎问题来自于使用自定义segue:如何使用自定义segue保持在导航控制器中?这是我的自定义segue代码,其目的是使segue从上到下具有幻灯片效果:

class FirstCustomSegue: UIStoryboardSegue {
override func perform() {
    var firstVCView = self.sourceViewController.view as UIView!
    var secondVCView = self.destinationViewController.view as UIView!

    // Get the screen width and height.
    let screenWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width
    let screenHeight = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.height

    // Specify the initial position of the destination view.
    secondVCView.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, -screenHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight)

    // Access the app's key window and insert the destination view above the current (source) one.
    let window = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow
    window?.insertSubview(secondVCView, aboveSubview: firstVCView)

    // Animate the transition.
    UIView.animateWithDuration(1, animations: { () -> Void in
        firstVCView.frame = CGRectOffset(firstVCView.frame, 0.0, screenHeight)
        secondVCView.frame = CGRectOffset(secondVCView.frame, 0.0, screenHeight)

        }) { (Finished) -> Void in
            self.sourceViewController.presentViewController(self.destinationViewController as! UIViewController,
                animated: false,
                completion: nil)



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class FirstCustomSegue: UIStoryboardSegue {
override func perform() {
    let firstVCView = self.sourceViewController.view as UIView!
    let secondVCView = self.destinationViewController.view as UIView!

    // Get the screen width and height.
    let screenWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width
    let screenHeight = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.height

    // Specify the initial position of the destination view.
    secondVCView.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, -screenHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight)

    // make a UIView which looks like the sourceViewController's view, 
    // and add it to the destinationViewcontrollers's view, 
    // in the right place so it looks as though it does not move
    let v1 = firstVCView.snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates(false)
    v1.frame = CGRectMake(0, screenHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight)

    // push the destination VC without animation
    // but it looks the same as the first so it seems as though nothing has happened.
    self.sourceViewController.navigationController?.pushViewController(self.destinationViewController, animated: false)
    // Animate the transition.
    UIView.animateWithDuration(1, animations: { () -> Void in
            secondVCView.frame = CGRectOffset(secondVCView.frame, 0.0, screenHeight)
        }) { (Finished) -> Void in
