返回Null获取数据报告中的常规错误时,ADO形状上的VB6 CALC聚合

时间:2016-02-22 09:20:39

标签: sql-server vb6 ado

我在我的数据报告中使用ado shape命令,它工作正常,但当我的聚合函数CALC(agrProfit / agrExtended * 100)为null或0/0 * 100时,它显示一般错误和数据报告未显示。请帮助。

mRS.Open "SHAPE {select products.productid,products.productcode,isnull(products.description,descr) as description,isnull(vendor.description,'*** NOT FOUND ***') as groupdescription, " & _
    "isnull(sum(totalcost),0) as mTotalCost,isnull(sum(extended) - (sum(totalcost)),0) as mProfit,  " & _
    "sum(charges) as mCharges,sum(discount) as mDiscounts, sum(retextended) as mReturns, " & _
    "reportuom, sum(totalcost) as mTotalCost, isnull(case when sum(extended) = 0 then 0 else (sum(extended) - (sum(totalcost)))/sum(extended)*100 end,0)  as mgpm, sum(totalcost) as mTotalCost, case when sum(extended) = 0 then 0 else (sum(extended) - (sum(totalcost)))/sum(extended)*100 end  as mgpm, sum(case when extended < 0 then  (0 - (totalqty/products.reportqty))  else (totalqty/products.reportqty) end) as mTotalQty, isnull(sum(extended),0) as mExtended,  sum(case when extended < 0 then  (0 - (totalqty/products.reportqty)) else (totalqty/products.reportqty) end) / " & mTotalQty & " * 100 as mPercTotalQty, sum(extended) / " & mTotalExtended & " * 100 as mPercExtended " & _
    "From " & _
        "(select finishedsales.QtyReturned,finishedsales.productid,finishedsales.description as descr, finishedsales.averageunitcost* case when [return]=1 then convert(money,0-totalqty) else totalqty end as TotalCost,(chargeallowance * qty) + (chargeamountdiscounted * qty) as charges,(allowance * qty) + (amountdiscounted * qty)+ (extended-(extended * multiplier)) as discount,0 as rettotalqty, 0 as retextended,totalqty,round(extended * multiplier,4) as extended  From finishedsales " & _
        " left join products on products.productid = finishedsales.productid " & _
        .gReportCriteria & _
        "Union All " & _
        "select finishedsales.QtyReturned, finishedsales.productid,finishedsales.description as descr,0 as totalcost,0 as charges,0 as discount,totalqty as rettotalqty ,abs(round(extended,4)) as retextended,0 as totalqty, 0 as extended From finishedsales " & _
            "left join products on products.productid = finishedsales.productid " & _
        Replace(UCase(.gReportCriteria & " and [RETURN] = 1"), "[RETURN] = 0", "[return] = 1") & _
    ") as finishedsales " & _
    "left join products on products.productid=finishedsales.productid  " & _
    "left join vendor on products.vendorcode=vendor.vendorcode " & _
    "group by descr,products.productid,products.productcode,products.description,vendor.description,reportuom " & _
    "order by groupdescription, " & IIf(frmReportProducts.chkTop And fVal(frmReportProducts.txtTop) > 0, "finishedsales.mtotalqty desc,", "") & " products.description}  AS Command1 COMPUTE Command1, SUM(Command1.mTotalQty) AS agrTotalQty,  SUM(Command1.mExtended) AS agrExtended, SUM(Command1.mProfit) AS agrProfit, CALC(agrProfit/agrExtended*100) As agrGPM BY groupdescription", mcn

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

所以看起来您在这里使用ADO Data Shaping functions,而import ast def floyd(graph): dist = {} pred = {} for u in graph: dist[u] = {} pred[u] = {} for v in graph: dist[u][v] = float('INF') pred[u][v] = -1 dist[u][u] = 0 for z in graph[u]: dist[u][z] = graph[u][z] pred[u][z] = u for k in graph: for i in graph: for j in graph: if dist[i][k] + dist[k][j] < dist[i][j]: dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j] return dist, pred graph = {} graph = ast.literal_eval(open("file2.txt").read()) print graph dist, pred = floyd(graph) print " ", for j in dist: print "__" + str(j), print "\n" for i in dist: print str(i) + "|", for v in dist: print " %s" % (dist[i][v]), print "\n" 允许您在表达式中使用列出here的VBA函数。 @ C-Pound Guru的建议导致错误,因为NULLIF()不是VBA函数,但整个表达式可以像这样重写:



答案 1 :(得分:1)

如果您的SQL Server是2005或更新版本,您可以将NULLIFISNULL结合使用:

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="rectangle"> <stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="@color/black" /> </shape> 替换为


当agrExtended = 0时,这将返回零,而不是导致除以零错误。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您似乎正在使用MS Access或与MS Access接口的东西。如果是这种情况,也许您可​​以使用Switch


CALC(agrProfit / agrExtended * 100)


  ISNULL(SUM(Command1.mExtended)), 0,
  ISNULL(SUM(Command1.mProfit)), 0,
  IIF(SUM(Command1.mExtended) = 0, 0, SUM(Command1.mProfit) / SUM(Command1.mExtended) * 100)
