@IBAction func button_clicked(sender: UIButton) {
if (truth_click == true) {
truth_click = false
self.truth_button.image = UIImage(named: "false_button")
else if (truth_click == false) {
truth_click = true
self.truth_button.image = UIImage(named: "true_button")
func check_truth() {
if (truth_click == true) {
//when it reaches the zone
if (left_truth.center.y > 330 ) {
//if true and true
if ((left_truth.image == UIImage(named: "true")) && (symbol.image == UIImage(named: "and")) && (right_truth.image == UIImage(named: "true"))) {
self.score += 1
//if true and false
//if false and true
//if false and false
self.score_label.text = String(self.score)
if (truth_click == false) {
//when it reaches the zone
if (left_truth.center.y > 330 ) {
//if true and false
if ((left_truth.image == UIImage(named: "true")) && (symbol.image == UIImage(named: "and")) && (right_truth.image == UIImage(named: "false"))) {
self.score += 1
//if true and true
//if false and true
//if false and false
self.score_label.text = String(self.score)