嘿伙计们这个问题是我的问题here的后续问题。我创建了一个函数来计算我们每年举行的比赛的每列投票数。问题在于,对于文本字段,人们不总是正确地拼写事物,或者使用相同的标点符号,反斜杠最终也会比他们应该更频繁地被包含在数据库中(这让我想知道有时他们是&#39 ;重新获得双重逃脱或其他东西,但已经有太多条目了)
function get_results_for($column) {
global $dbc;
$rowcount = "";
//This portion fetches unique entries that aren't empty
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT $column ";
$query .= "FROM newbob ";
$query .= "WHERE $column != '' ";
$query .= "ORDER BY $column ASC";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
if (!$result){
die ("Database query failed.");
//and I want this portion to count how many there are that are the same, and
//just add it next to it.
while($entries = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
foreach ($entries as $entries) {
echo removeslashes($entries);
$entries2 = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,$entries); }
$query2 = "SELECT $column ";
$query2 .= "FROM newbob ";
$query2 .= "WHERE $column LIKE '%$entries2%'";
$result2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
if (!$result2){
die ("<br>Database query failed.");
$rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result2);
echo " (" . $rowcount . ")<br>";