有人可以解释这部分代码的含义吗? setEmployeeNumber(NUM)

时间:2016-02-20 21:38:14

标签: java class jgrasp

我被要求为代码编写注释但我不明白行setEmployeeNumber(num)正在做什么。为什么不写成setEmployeeNumber = number?我的所有其他注释是否正确?提前致谢                          / **             员工类             * /

       public class Employee//creating employee class
     {//declaring fields
 private String name;             
 private String employeeNumber;   
private String hireDate;         

public Employee(String n, String num, String date)//construtor for Employee   class with param n,num,date
    name = n; //assigning value of n to name
    setEmployeeNumber(num);//set employee 
    hireDate = date;//assign value of date to hireDate

  public Employee()//non parametrized constructor
  name = "";//set name to empty string
  employeeNumber = "";//set employeeNumber to empty string
  hireDate = "";//set hireDate to empty string

  public void setName(String n)//setter with param n
    name = n;//assign value of n to name

     public void setEmployeeNumber(String e)//setter with param e
     if (isValidEmpNum(e))//if string e is a valid employee number store the   value of e in employee number else set employee number to empty string
     employeeNumber = e;
     employeeNumber = "";

    public void setHireDate(String h)//setter with param h
      hireDate = h;//assign the string h to hireDate

       public String getName()//getter 
  return name;//return value of name

    public String getEmployeeNumber()//getter
      return employeeNumber;//return value of employeeNumber

    public String getHireDate()//getter
      return hireDate;//return value of hireDate

     private boolean isValidEmpNum(String e)//method to return true or false if employee number is valid or invalid
      boolean status = true;//setting default status to True

     if (e.length() != 5)//if the length of string e does not equal to 5 then employee number is invalid,set status to false
     status = false;
     if ((!Character.isDigit(e.charAt(0))) ||//if the first char in string e is not a digit OR the 2nd char isnt a digit of the 3rd char is not a digit or the 4th char is not a dash OR the 5th char is not a letter than employee number is invalid,set status to false
         (!Character.isDigit(e.charAt(1))) ||
         (!Character.isDigit(e.charAt(2))) ||
         (e.charAt(3) != '-')              ||
           status = false;

  return status;//returing true or false


    public String toString()//Method to returns a string representation of the object
     String str = "Name: " + name + "\nEmployee Number: ";//making a new string called str 

  if (employeeNumber == "")//if employeeNuber is invalid
     str += "INVALID EMPLOYEE NUMBER";//add  "INVALID EMPLOYEE NUMBER" to string str
     str += employeeNumber;//add value of employeeNumber to string str

  str += ("\nHire Date: " + hireDate);//add "\nHire Date: " and value of hireDate to string str
  return str;//returning the string str

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


setEmployeeNumber(num); // calls the method that sets the employee number to the value of num


public void setEmployeeNumber(String num)    //setter with param num
    employeeNumber= num;     //assign value of num to employeeNumber

答案 1 :(得分:0)

方法setEmployeeNumber(String e)最有可能用于设置唯一字母数字(包含A-Z& 0-9)。你要评论的就像//assign employeeNumber to e