R data.table:如何优化每个相应组的两个数据表之间的值差异的计算?

时间:2016-02-20 17:40:35

标签: r data.table



# Calculate value differences for the same group of data in two different data.tables
cur <- data.table(company=c("A", "B", "New"), booking.date=seq(from=as.Date("2011/01/01"), by="week", length.out=12), sales.amount = 201:212, vat.amount = 11:22)

prev <- data.table(company=c("A", "B"), booking.date=seq(from=as.Date("2010/01/01"), by="month", length.out=10), sales.amount = 101:110, vat.amount = 1:10)

diff <- copy(prev)   # copy to keep the original data.table unchanged
diff[, `:=`(sales.amount = -sales.amount, vat.amount = -vat.amount)]   # negate the amounts so that the sum will be the difference
diff <- rbind(diff, cur)  # combine negative previous amounts with positive current amounts so that the sum will be difference
diff  # show raw data
diff[, .(last.booking.date=max(booking.date), sales.amount.diff=sum(sales.amount), vat.amount.diff=sum(vat.amount)), by=company] # calculate the difference

# Look at company "A" to verify the result:



> cur
    company booking.date sales.amount vat.amount
 1:       A   2011-01-01          201         11
 2:       B   2011-01-08          202         12
 3:     New   2011-01-15          203         13
 4:       A   2011-01-22          204         14
 5:       B   2011-01-29          205         15
 6:     New   2011-02-05          206         16
 7:       A   2011-02-12          207         17
 8:       B   2011-02-19          208         18
 9:     New   2011-02-26          209         19
10:       A   2011-03-05          210         20
11:       B   2011-03-12          211         21
12:     New   2011-03-19          212         22


> prev
   company booking.date sales.amount vat.amount
 1:       A   2010-01-01          101          1
 2:       B   2010-02-01          102          2
 3:       A   2010-03-01          103          3
 4:       B   2010-04-01          104          4
 5:       A   2010-05-01          105          5
 6:       B   2010-06-01          106          6
 7:       A   2010-07-01          107          7
 8:       B   2010-08-01          108          8
 9:       A   2010-09-01          109          9
10:       B   2010-10-01          110         10


   company last.booking.date sales.amount.diff vat.amount.diff
1:     A 1        2011-03-05               297              37
2:     B 1        2011-03-12               296              36
3:   New 1        2011-03-19               830              70

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



# aggregate tables by company
cur_co <- cur[, .(last.booking.date = max(booking.date),
                  sales.amount = sum(sales.amount),
                  vat.amount   = sum(vat.amount)),

prev_co <- prev[, .(sales.amount = sum(sales.amount),
                    vat.amount = sum(vat.amount)),

# join & get difference
cur_co[prev_co, c("sales.amount.diff", "vat.amount.diff") :=
           .(sales.amount - i.sales.amount, vat.amount - i.vat.amount),

# fill NA's (companies missing in previuos year)
         c("sales.amount.diff", "vat.amount.diff") :=
           .(sales.amount, vat.amount)]

# drop unused columns
cur_co[, c("sales.amount", "vat.amount") := NULL]


   company last.booking.date sales.amount.diff vat.amount.diff
1:       A        2011-03-05               297              37
2:       B        2011-03-12               296              36
3:     New        2011-03-19               830              70

答案 1 :(得分:4)


# bind the data.table's together into one
dt.all <- rbindlist(list(cur,prev))
# set the key to 'company' and 'booking.date'
# the data.table is now also ordered by these two columns
setkey(dt.all, company, booking.date)

dt.all[, .(last.booking.date = booking.date[.N],
           sales.amount.diff = sum(sales.amount[year(booking.date)==2011]) - sum(sales.amount[year(booking.date)==2010]),
           vat.amount.diff = sum(vat.amount[year(booking.date)==2011]) - sum(vat.amount[year(booking.date)==2010])),


   company last.booking.date sales.amount.diff vat.amount.diff
1:       A        2011-03-05               297              37
2:       B        2011-03-12               296              36
3:     New        2011-03-19               830              70


dt.all[, .(last.booking.date = booking.date[.N],
           sum.sales = sum(sales.amount),
           sum.vat = sum(vat.amount)),
       .(company, year(booking.date))
       ][, `:=` (last.booking.date = last.booking.date[.N],
                 sales.amount.diff = sum.sales - shift(sum.sales),
                 vat.amount.diff = sum.vat - shift(sum.vat)),


   company year last.booking.date sum.sales sum.vat sales.amount.diff vat.amount.diff
1:       A 2010        2011-03-05       525      25                NA              NA
2:       A 2011        2011-03-05       822      62               297              37
3:       B 2010        2011-03-12       530      30                NA              NA
4:       B 2011        2011-03-12       826      66               296              36
5:     New 2011        2011-03-19       830      70                NA              NA

fill = 0添加到shift参数将导致:

   company year last.booking.date sum.sales sum.vat sales.amount.diff vat.amount.diff
1:       A 2010        2011-03-05       525      25               525              25
2:       A 2011        2011-03-05       822      62               297              37
3:       B 2010        2011-03-12       530      30               530              30
4:       B 2011        2011-03-12       826      66               296              36
5:     New 2011        2011-03-19       830      70               830              70