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<div class="h1extrapadding hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div> <h1 class="boldme">Aged 20-30 & frustrated with money?</h1>
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<div class="h2extrapadding hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div> <h2 class="boldme">Take our free <b class="jumpstarttext">Jumpstart Your Finances</b> class to<br /> quickly gain control over your finances</h2>
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<h3 class="h3big">What do you need help with?</h3><br>
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<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Living</b> paycheque to paycheque?</p>
<figure><img src="" alt="saving money image" title="Saving money" class="tripleimage">
<figcaption>Lesson 1 - Learn how to stop the pay cheque to pay cheque cycle.</figcaption>
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<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Saving</b> to buy a home?</p>
<img src="" alt="Buying a house" title="Saving to buy a house" class="tripleimage"><figcaption>
Lesson 2 - Tips to rapidly save for your future home.
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<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Going</b> travelling?</p>
<img src="" alt="Travelling" title="Travelling" class="tripleimage">
<figcaption>Lesson 3 - How I personally travelled for 13 months with only £2,000 (yes I had a roof over my head every night!).
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