
时间:2016-02-19 04:12:31

标签: excel vba excel-vba loops collections

我无法完全迭代自定义对象的Excel VBA集合。我在第三个对象上收到Invalid procedure call or argument错误。



我是VBA的新手 - 我错过了哪些明显的东西?


Sub calculateMaintenancePlan()
  'Calculates next x maintenance cycles for a number aircraft
  'Assumes the spreadsheet defines a named range containing the following columns:
  '1                               2                              3                       4                                    5                        6
  'Tail Number      Current Hours   Next Cycle  Next Cycle DUE     In Heavy        Week Id Cycle Start
  '6004                      11265.0             4                      11333.7                       FALSE              [Integer or -10 if not in heavy]

  'debugging/utility variables
  Dim temp As Variant
  Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

  'Assumes the spreadsheet defines a named range containing the following columns:
  'Cycle ID   Cycle Type      Duration    Text ID
  '1                  200 hour           1                    HMT1

  ReDim mx_cycles(1 To Worksheets("Matrix Inputs").Range("maintenance_cycles").Rows.Count, 1 To 3)
  For i = 1 To Worksheets("Matrix Inputs").Range("maintenance_cycles").Rows.Count
        mx_cycles(i, 1) = Worksheets("Matrix Inputs").Range("maintenance_cycles").Cells(i, 2)
        mx_cycles(i, 2) = CInt(Worksheets("Matrix Inputs").Range("maintenance_cycles").Cells(i, 3))
        mx_cycles(i, 3) = Worksheets("Matrix Inputs").Range("maintenance_cycles").Cells(i, 4)
        'Debug.Print i & " : " & mx_cycles(i, 1) & " : " & mx_cycles(i, 2) & " : " & mx_cycles(i, 3)
  Next i

  'an array containing each aircraft tail number, assume spreadsheet
  'contains named range called "aircraft"
  Dim aircraft As Collection, s_Aircraft As Collection

  Dim acft As c_Aircraft
  Set aircraft = New Collection
  Set s_Aircraft = New Collection

  'Set the Collection size to the total number of aircraft on station
        'and create a c_Aircraft instance representing each airframe

  For i = 1 To Range("aircraft").Count
        Set acft = New c_Aircraft
        acft.init_aircraft Worksheets("Matrix Inputs").Range("inputs"), i, mx_cycles
        aircraft.Add acft, CStr(acft.tailNumber)
  Next i

  'Sort the aircraft
  Set s_Aircraft = sortedAircraft(aircraft)
End Sub

'Sort a Collection of c_aircraft objects
Private Function sortedAircraft(unsortedAircraft As Collection) As Collection
    Set sortedAircraft = New Collection
    Dim acft As c_Aircraft
    Dim temp_acft As c_Aircraft
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim next_acft_cycle_start_week_id As Integer
    Dim previous_acft As String
    Dim t_tailNum
    'copy the Collection to a new collection
    For Each acft In unsortedAircraft
        sortedAircraft.Add acft
    Next acft

    'Sort the aircraft
    For i = 1 To sortedAircraft.Count
        For j = i + 1 To sortedAircraft.Count
            If sortedAircraft.Item(i).hoursToDUE > sortedAircraft.Item(j).hoursToDUE Then
                Set temp_acft = sortedAircraft.Item(j)
                sortedAircraft.Remove j
                t_tailNum = CStr(temp_acft.tailNumber)
                sortedAircraft.Add temp_acft, t_tailNum, i
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

    previous_acft = CStr(sortedAircraft.Item(1).tailNumber)

    For Each acft In sortedAircraft
        If acft.inHeavy = False Then
            '******* FAILS here on the third item of six items in the collection
            Debug.Print sortedAircraft.Item(previous_acft).weekIdCycleStart + sortedAircraft.Item(previous_acft).nextCycleDuration + 1
            previous_acft = CStr(acft.tailNumber)
            previous_acft = CStr(acft.tailNumber)
        End If
    Next acft
End Function


Option Explicit

'Class c_Aircraft
'Requires call to init_aircraft() with the Range and "row" of the aircraft instance to be created.
'Assumes the Range contains the following columns:
'1                          2                              3                     4                                    5                        6
'Tail Number Current Hours   Next Cycle  Next Cycle DUE     In Heavy        Week Id Cycle Start
'6004                   11265.0             4                      11333.7                       FALSE              0

Private p_tailNumber As Long
Private p_tailNumStr As String

Private p_initialAircraftHours As Double
Private p_currentAircraftHours As Double

Private p_initialNextCycleType As Integer
Private p_nextCycleType As Integer

Private p_initialNextCycleDuration As Integer
Private p_nextCycleDuration As Integer

Private p_initialHoursNextCycleDue As Double
Private p_hoursNextCycleDue As Double

Private p_initialInHeavy As Boolean
Private p_inHeavy As Boolean

'An integer representing the Week Id the current cycle
'started, if in heavy maintenance
Private p_initialWeekIdCycleStart As Integer
Private p_weekIdCycleStart As Integer

Private p_initialHoursToDUE As Double
Private p_hoursToDUE As Double

Private p_initialHoursToDNE As Double
Private p_hoursToDNE As Double

'General Methods

'Custom Initialize
Public Sub init_aircraft(data_range As Range, asset_number As Integer, mxCycles() As Variant)
    p_tailNumber = data_range(asset_number, 1)
    p_tailNumStr = CStr(data_range(asset_number, 1))
    p_initialAircraftHours = data_range(asset_number, 2)
    p_currentAircraftHours = p_initialAircraftHours
    p_initialNextCycleType = data_range(asset_number, 3)
    p_nextCycleType = p_initialNextCycleType
    p_initialNextCycleDuration = mxCycles(p_nextCycleType, 2)
    p_nextCycleDuration = p_initialNextCycleDuration
    p_initialHoursNextCycleDue = data_range(asset_number, 4)
    p_hoursNextCycleDue = p_initialHoursNextCycleDue
    p_initialInHeavy = data_range(asset_number, 5)
    p_inHeavy = p_initialInHeavy

    If p_inHeavy Then
        p_initialWeekIdCycleStart = data_range(asset_number, 6)
        p_weekIdCycleStart = p_initialWeekIdCycleStart
        'set to a week prior more than the longest cycle duration
        p_initialWeekIdCycleStart = -10
        p_weekIdCycleStart = -10
    End If

    p_initialHoursToDUE = Round(p_hoursNextCycleDue - p_currentAircraftHours, 1)
    p_hoursToDUE = p_initialHoursToDUE
    p_initialHoursToDNE = Round(p_hoursNextCycleDue - p_currentAircraftHours + 15, 1)
    p_hoursToDNE = p_initialHoursToDNE
End Sub

'Return the aircraft objects properties as String
Public Function print_aircraft() As String
    print_aircraft = p_tailNumber & vbCrLf & _
                        "Current Hours: " & p_currentAircraftHours & vbCrLf & _
                        "Next Cycle: " & p_nextCycleType & vbCrLf & _
                        "Next Cycle Duration: " & p_nextCycleDuration & vbCrLf & _
                        "Hours Next Cycle Due: " & p_hoursNextCycleDue & vbCrLf & _
                        "In Heavy: " & p_inHeavy & vbCrLf & _
                        "Week Id Cycle Start: " & p_weekIdCycleStart & vbCrLf & _
                        "DUE: " & p_hoursToDUE & vbCrLf & _
                        "DNE: " & p_hoursToDNE
End Function

'Get/Let Methods

' Hours Remaining to the DNE
Public Property Get hoursToDNE() As Double
    hoursToDNE = p_hoursToDNE
End Property

Public Property Let hoursToDNE(HoursDNE As Double)
    p_hoursToDNE = HoursDNE
End Property

'Hours Remaining to the DUE
Public Property Get hoursToDUE() As Double
    hoursToDUE = p_hoursToDUE
End Property

Public Property Let hoursToDUE(HoursDUE As Double)
    p_hoursToDUE = HoursDUE
End Property

' Aircraft in Heavy Property
Public Property Get inHeavy() As Boolean
    inHeavy = p_inHeavy
End Property

Public Sub setInHeavy(Value As Boolean, weekIdCycleStarted As Integer)
    p_inHeavy = Value
    p_weekIdCycleStart = weekIdCycleStarted
End Sub

Public Property Get weekIdCycleStart() As Integer
    weekIdCycleStart = p_weekIdCycleStart
End Property

Public Property Let weekIdCycleStart(weekId As Integer)
    p_weekIdCycleStart = weekId
End Property

' Aircraft Hours at Next Maintenance Cycle Due Property
Public Property Get hoursNextCycleDue() As Double
    hoursNextCycleDue = p_hoursNextCycleDue
End Property

Public Property Let hoursNextCycleDue(Value As Double)
    p_hoursNextCycleDue = Value
End Property

' Next Maintenance Cycle Due Property
Public Property Get nextCycleType() As Integer
    nextCycleType = p_nextCycleType
End Property

Public Property Let nextCycleType(cycleType As Integer)
    p_nextCycleType = cycleType
End Property

' Next Maintenance Cycle Duration Property
Public Property Get nextCycleDuration() As Integer
    nextCycleDuration = p_nextCycleDuration
End Property

Public Property Let nextCycleDuration(cycleDuration As Integer)
    p_nextCycleDuration = cycleDuration
End Property

' Current Aircraft Hours Property
Public Property Get currentAircraftHours() As Double
    currentAircraftHours = p_currentAircraftHours
End Property

Public Property Let currentAircraftHours(Value As Double)
    p_currentAircraftHours = Value
End Property

' Tail Number Property
Public Property Get tailNumber() As Long
    tailNumber = p_tailNumber
End Property

Public Property Let tailNumber(Value As Long)
    p_tailNumber = Value
End Property

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