
时间:2016-02-18 06:59:43

标签: php html


<img title = "Last assessment for this child was submitted <?php if ($time == 0){echo $time;}else{echo $time - 1;}?> Month(s) ago." 
                            if ($record->$period == 0) { echo base_url()."img/warning.png";}

                                date("M d, Y", strtotime($record->$period));
                                $vtime = new DateTime($record->$period);             ///////////////////////
                                $today = new DateTime(); // for testing purposes            ///Calculate  Time period//
                                $diff = $today->diff($vtime);                                   ///
                                $time = $diff -> m;
                                if($time <= 4)
                                {echo base_url()."img/green.png";}
                                elseif( $time > 4 && $time <= 6)
                                {echo base_url()."img/yellow.png";}
                                elseif($time >= 6)
                                {echo base_url()."img/red.png";}



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以简单地使用以下内容。只需将当前if ... else条件嵌套在title标签上的另一个if ... else条件中。

<img title = "
    <?php if($record->period==0) 
        echo "Check record"; 
    else { ?>
        Last assessment for this child was submitted <?php if ($time == 0){echo $time;}else{echo $time - 1;}?> Month(s) ago.
    <?php } ?>" 
                            if ($record->$period == 0) { echo base_url()."img/warning.png";}

                                date("M d, Y", strtotime($record->$period));
                                $vtime = new DateTime($record->$period);             ///////////////////////
                                $today = new DateTime(); // for testing purposes            ///Calculate  Time period//
                                $diff = $today->diff($vtime);                                   ///
                                $time = $diff -> m;
                                if($time <= 4)
                                {echo base_url()."img/green.png";}
                                elseif( $time > 4 && $time <= 6)
                                {echo base_url()."img/yellow.png";}
                                elseif($time >= 6)
                                {echo base_url()."img/red.png";}

答案 1 :(得分:1)


// initialization
$title = '';
$src = '';

// logic
$time = ($time == 0) ? $time : $time - 1;
$title = "Last assessment for this child was submitted %s Month(s) ago."; // initial

if ($record->$period == 0) { 
    $src = base_url() . "img/warning.png";
    // override $title
    $title = 'Check record';
} else {
    $vtime = new DateTime($record->$period);            
    $today = new DateTime();
    $diff = $today->diff($vtime);
    $time = $diff->m;
    if($time <= 4) {echo ;
        $src = base_url()."img/green.png";
    } elseif( $time > 4 && $time <= 6) {
        $src = base_url()."img/yellow.png";
    } elseif($time >= 6) {
        $src = base_url()."img/red.png";
    } else {
        // whatever you need to do

$title = sprintf($title, $time);

<!-- HTML MARKUP -->
<img title="<?php echo $title; ?>" src="<?php echo $src; ?>" />

答案 2 :(得分:0)


if ($record->period === 0) {
    echo '<img src="img/warning.png" title="Warning title" />';
} else {
    // Are you sure this does what you want?
    // You probably need $record->period. (no $)
    $vtime = new DateTime($record->$period);
    $today = new DateTime();
    $diff = $today->diff($vtime);
    $time = $diff->m;
    $title = 'Last assessment for this child was submitted ' . 
        ($time === 0 ? 0 : $time-1) . 
        ' month(s) ago.';

    if ($time <= 4) {
        echo '<img src="img/green.png" title="'. $title . '" />';
    } else if ($time <= 6) {    
    // Don't need to check if it's bigger than 4, you've already checked this 
    // in the initial "if" and if that was succesful, we wouldn't be here.
        echo '<img src="img/yellow.png" title="'. $title . '" />';
    } else {
        echo '<img src="img/red.png" title="' . $title . '" />';

答案 3 :(得分:0)



$imageURL = "";
if ($record->$period == 0) {
    $imageURL = base_url() . "img/warning.png";
} else {
    // date("M d, Y", strtotime($record->$period)); // This is not usable remove this statement
    $vtime = new DateTime($record->$period);             ///////////////////////
    $today = new DateTime(); // for testing purposes            ///Calculate  Time period//
    $diff = $today->diff($vtime);                                   ///
    $month = $diff->m;
    if ($month <= 4) {
        $imageURL = base_url() . "img/green.png";
    } elseif ($month > 4 && $month <= 6) {
        $imageURL = base_url() . "img/yellow.png";
    } else {
        $imageURL = base_url() . "img/red.png";


<img title = "Last assessment for this child was submitted <?php echo ($time)? $time - 1: $time; ?> Month(s) ago." 
     src="<?php echo $imageURL; ?>" />


date("M d, Y", strtotime($record->$period)):为什么这个陈述存在,因为你没有保存日期函数保存的结果。

$vtime :什么是vtime?变量应该是简短而有意义的名称。

$diff->m :这将返回月份编号,以便更具体,而不是$time使用$month作为变量名来存储月份值。


  • 首先If:检查$month is <= 4:正确
  • If:检查$month > 4 or <=6
  • 第三个elseif:在旧代码中。为什么我们需要这个,因为如果不是 满足以上两个条件则意味着它是强制性的>= 6 然后将其直接放入其他部分。