
时间:2016-02-17 18:59:16

标签: database haskell functional-programming yesod

如何创建类似于此ADTs Yesod Persistent 实体:

import Data.Ratio

data Work = Work { name :: String
                 , payment :: WorkPayment
                 , duration :: WorkDuration }

data WorkPayment = WorkPaymentUndefined
                 | WorkPaymentEstimated { workPaymentEstimatedUnity :: TemporalUnity
                                        , workPaymentEstimatedValue :: Ratio Int }
                 | WorkPaymentTotal { workPaymentTotalValue :: Ratio Int }

data WorkDuration = WorkDurationUndefined
                  | WorkDurationEstimated { workDurationEstimatedUnity :: TemporalUnity
                                          , workDurationEstimatedQuantity :: Int }
                  | WorkDurationPermanent

data TemporalUnity = Hour | Day | Week | Month



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  • 人类可以从数据库级别读取
  • 有些数据库内置了对它的支持
  • 便携式
  • 支持已通过to/fromPersistValueJSON
  • 内置到Persistent中


-- Add this extension to derive To/FromJSON instances; see Data.Aeson for details
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Models.Work where

import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistFieldSql(..))
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Data.Aeson

data TemporalUnity = Hour | Day | Week | Month deriving (Generic)

instance FromJSON TemporalUnity
instance ToJSON TemporalUnity

data WorkDuration = WorkDurationUndefined
                  | WorkDurationEstimated { workDurationEstimatedUnity :: TemporalUnity
                                          , workDurationEstimatedQuantity :: Int }
                  | WorkDurationPermanent deriving (Generic)

instance FromJSON WorkDuration
instance ToJSON WorkDuration

-- Store the values as as SqlString. The actual column type will be dependent on the database backend. SqlString will be something like varchar/text types.
-- You can also use PersistByteString, which might be faster
instance PersistFieldSql WorkDuration where
  sqlType _ = SqlString

instance PersistField WorkDuration where
  toPersistValue = toPersistValueJSON
  fromPersistValue = fromPersistValueJSON


foo=# SELECT * FROM "user";
 id | ident  | password |                                               duration
  5 | foo123 |          | {"tag":"WorkDurationPermanent","contents":[]}
  6 | bar456 |          | {"tag":"WorkDurationEstimated","workDurationEstimatedQuantity":1,"workDurationEstimatedUnity":"Hour"}
