
时间:2016-02-17 15:32:58

标签: powershell debugging

如果我的脚本在调试模式下运行,如何检查powershell?我目前正在安装PowerShell Tools的Visual Studio 2015中进行调试。


If (Debug)
    $messageProperties.To = "$env:username@company.com"
    $messageProperties.To = "prodmailbox@company.com"


    // debug code

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

PS中的“已调试”可能意味着几件事。 1)程序在调试器下运行,2)cmdlet / function传递-Debug标志或$DebugPreferences不是SilentlyContinue 3)PS跟踪打开,4)Set-PSDebug用于切换跟踪(与#3不同的跟踪)。

如果你还没有选择其中一个,我建议你选择#2。这很简单(检查-DebugPSBoundVariables还是$DebugPreferences的值不是SilentlyContinue)。它支持Write-Debug cmdlet。一般而言,它是Powershell-toh切换调试输出的方法。


如果您需要#4,您可能需要访问私人数据。唯一以PSDebug作为名词的PS 3.0命令是Set-PSDebug,这意味着没有cmdlet可以返回PSDebug的状态。


答案 1 :(得分:3)


function Test-Debug {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    process {
        ((-not $IgnoreDebugPreference.IsPresent) -and ($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue")) -or
        ((-not $IgnorePSBoundParameters.IsPresent) -and $PSBoundParameters.Debug.IsPresent) -or
        ((-not $IgnorePSDebugContext.IsPresent) -and ($PSDebugContext))


#region 'Test Functions'
function Test-InheritExplicit {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    process {
        #if we weren't splatting all vars over, we could use this trick:
        #[switch]$DebugCopy = $PSBoundParameters.Debug
        #Test-Debug -Debug:$DebugCopy
        Test-Debug @PSBoundParameters

function Test-InheritImplicit {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    process {
        Test-Debug -IgnorePSBoundParameters:$IgnorePSBoundParameters -IgnorePSDebugContext:$IgnorePSDebugContext -IgnoreDebugPreference:$IgnoreDebugPreference
#endregion 'Test Functions'

#region 'Test Cases'
[hashtable[]]$testCases = 0..15 | %{
    [hashtable]$new = @{}
    if ($_ -band 1) {$new.Debug = [switch]$true}
    if ($_ -band 2) {$new.IgnorePSBoundParameters = [switch]$true}            
    if ($_ -band 4) {$new.IgnoreDebugPreference = [switch]$true}
    if ($_ -band 8) {$new.IgnorePSDebugContext = [switch]$true}

[int]$t = 0
$testCases | %{
    [hashtable]$testCase = $_
    (New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
        TestId = ++$t
        Debug = [bool]$_.Debug
        IgnorePSBoundParameters = [bool]$_.IgnorePSBoundParameters
        IgnoreDebugPreference = [bool]$_.IgnoreDebugPreference
        IgnorePSDebugContext = [bool]$_.IgnorePSDebugContext
        TD = (Test-Debug @testCase)
        TIE = (Test-InheritExplicit @testCase)
        TII = (Test-InheritImplicit @testCase)
} | Format-Table  TestId, Debug, IgnorePSBoundParameters, IgnoreDebugPreference, IgnorePSDebugContext, TD, TIE, TII -AutoSize


TestId Debug IgnorePSBoundParameters IgnoreDebugPreference IgnorePSDebugContext    TD   TIE   TII
------ ----- ----------------------- --------------------- --------------------    --   ---   ---
     1 False                   False                 False                False False False False
     2  True                   False                 False                False  True  True  True
     3 False                    True                 False                False False False False
     4  True                    True                 False                False  True  True  True
     5 False                   False                  True                False False False False
     6  True                   False                  True                False  True  True False
     7 False                    True                  True                False False False False
     8  True                    True                  True                False False False False
     9 False                   False                 False                 True False False False
    10  True                   False                 False                 True  True  True  True
    11 False                    True                 False                 True False False False
    12  True                    True                 False                 True  True  True  True
    13 False                   False                  True                 True False False False
    14  True                   False                  True                 True  True  True False
    15 False                    True                  True                 True False False False
    16  True                    True                  True                 True False False False

答案 2 :(得分:1)


# turn regular script into advanced script by adding the cmdletbinding attribute and its required param()

$DebugPreferenceWas = $DebugPreference

# $debugPreference is default to "SilentlyContinue"
# if -debug argument passed, we get "$DebugPreference=Inquire"
if ($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue" -And $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) {
    # note: for backward compatibility set $DebugPreference='Continue'
    #       prior to PowerShell 6, we would have to answer a question for each Debug message, this change in v6
    Write-Output "Backward compatibility, update DebugPreference"
    $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
    Write-Output "DebugPreference was: $DebugPreferenceWas, changed to: $DebugPreference"

Write-Debug "this line will only print if -Debug was passed to the script"

Write-Output "script ran, exiting"



# ... some code here creating variables or whatnot ...

if ($DebugPreference -ne "SilentlyContinue") {
  # in debug
  $messageProperties.To = "$env:username@company.com"
} else {
  # not debug
  $messageProperties.To = "prodmailbox@company.com"