如果我从一个完全空的数据对象开始 - 并动态添加一个部分/组件。可以逐步执行动态添加的部分html,并发现使用了哪些关键路径。
我的意图是随时将这个密钥路径列表应用到我的数据对象中。我正在建立一个拖放wysiwyg ui - 并希望设计师能够添加模板而不会触及ractive ......
<script id="foo" type="text/ractive">
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: '#container',
template: '{{#items}}{{partial}}{{/items}}',
data: {
items : [] // empty to start with
ractive.on( 'addpartial', function ( event ) {
// partial gets added
// process the partial to find out what keypaths it contains.. put those keypaths into array
var partialDataArray = [{'blah':''},{'blahblah':''}]
this.push('items' , { 'partial' : 'foo', partialDataArray }
另一种选择是设置每个&#39;部分&#39;作为一个组成部分 - 但我会重复自己的负荷(而且我试图成为所有干的等等)
干杯, 罗布
答案 0 :(得分:1)
此代码大量借鉴了Martydpx https://github.com/martypdx给出的动态组件示例 - 虽然我无法找到我发现它的帖子。
<div data-component="first_component">
<div data-component="second_component">
- 这是JS。修改 - 请参阅JavaScript regex - get string from within infinite number of curly braces了解正确的正则表达式。
var htmlSnippets = [];
var setup = function() {
// load in our ractive templates - each one is wrapped in a div with
// a data attribute of component.
$.get("assets/snippets/snippets2.htm", function(data) {
var snippets = $.parseHTML(data);
// Each over each 'snippet / component template' parsing it out.
$.each(snippets, function(i, el) {
if ($(el).attr('data-component')) {
var componentName = $(el).attr('data-component')
// reg ex to look for curly braces {{ }} - used to get the names of each keypath
var re = /[^{]+(?=}})/g;
// returns an array containing each keypath within the snippet nb: ['foo' , 'bar']
var componentData = $(el).html().match(re);
// this is probably a bit messy... adding a value to each keypath...
// this returns an array of objects.
componentData = $.map( componentData, function( value ) {
return { [value] : 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' };
// combine that array of objects - so its a single data object
componentData = componentData.reduce(function(result, currentObject) {
for(var key in currentObject) {
if (currentObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[key] = currentObject[key];
return result;
}, {});
// and add the component name to this data object
componentData['componentName'] = componentName;
// We need to use the data elsewhere - so hold it here...
htmlSnippets.push(componentData );
// and lastly set our component up using the html snippet as the template
Ractive.components[componentName] = Ractive.extend({
template: $(el).html()
Ractive.components.dynamic = Ractive.extend({
template: '<impl/>',
components: {
impl: function(){
return this.components[this.get('type')]
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: '#container',
template: '#template',
data: {
widgets: htmlSnippets,
pageContent: []