Google Analytics - 跟踪容器内的div

时间:2016-02-16 17:31:18

标签: google-analytics google-analytics-api event-tracking

我想知道是否有办法跟踪某些广告(只是带有链接的图片)的点击次数和观看次数,这些广告将随机出现在容器div中。如果我可以通过Google Analytics页面上的广告ID获取这些值。

<center><div id="MP_AD_CONTAINER">
        <a href="" target="_blank"><div id="super_bock_ad" class="ad"></div></a>
        <div id="EDP_ad" class="ad"></div>
        <div id="Sisab_ad" class="ad"></div>


        //Array with Id of divs to show:
        var Ids = ["super_bock_ad", "EDP_ad", "Sisab_ad"];

        //Chose a Id randomly:
        var chosenValue = Ids[Math.floor(arrayDeIds.length * Math.random())];
        var chosenDiv = document.getElementById(chosenValue);

        //Shows the chosenDiv inside container: = "block";

        // Counter to call a function giveTheViews() only once:
        var count = 0;

        document.getElementById('MP_AD_CONTAINER').addEventListener("click", function(){

           //Google analytics code to track clicks From chosenDiv (?)
           _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Interactions', 'Click', chosenValue]);


        window.onscroll = function(ev) {
           //Test to know if the div was seen:
           if (window.innerHeight >= (document.getElementById("MP_AD_CONTAINER").getBoundingClientRect().top +(document.getElementById("MP_AD_CONTAINER").offsetHeight / 2) )) {

                if(count == 0){
                    count = 1;

        function getTheViews(){
            //Hey Google Analytics! Save the number of people that view this ad!
             _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Images', 'View', chosenValue]);

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