
时间:2016-02-16 16:48:43

标签: javascript asp.net client-server code-behind confirm



    Protected Sub txtBrlKey_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtBrlKey.TextChanged
    Dim tmpBarrels As New cBarrels

        With Me
            If Trim(.txtBrlKey.Text) <> "" Then
                If Not PublicCalls.ListContainsIndex(Me, .lstBarrels, .txtBrlKey.Text) > -1 Then
                    If Me.Title = "frmBarrelMoves" And (PublicCalls.gPhysicalInventory Or PublicCalls.gCycleCount) Then ' called from the Physical Inventory or Cycle Count form (frmBarremMoves)
                        tmpBarrels = tmpBarrels.Search(Me, "spa_Barrel_Select '" & .txtBrlKey.Text & "'")
                        If LCase(tmpBarrels.item(1).BrlCounted) = LCase("Y") Then
                            If PublicCalls.MsgBoxConfirm(Me, "This Barrel ID has already been counted. Continue?") = False Then
                                txtBrlKey.Text = "" ' clear the control 
                                gBarrelEntered = True
                                UpdateBarrelList("I", .txtBrlKey.Text) ' add the barrel to the barrel list
                                gBarrelEntered = False

                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End With

        tmpBarrels = Nothing

    Catch ex As Exception
        PublicCalls.DisplayBblErrors(Me, ex, Nothing)
    End Try
End Sub


    Public Shared Function MsgBoxConfirm(thePage As Page, Message As String) As Boolean
    Dim HiddenConfirmResponse As HiddenField = CType(thePage.Master.FindControl("txtConfirmResponse"), HiddenField)

    MsgBoxConfirm = False
    HiddenConfirmResponse.Value = ""

    ' somehow this function needs to return true or false depending on if the user clicked OK or Cancel
    ' the problem is that ConfirmBox fires after the server side code finishes, which is too late to capture the OK or Cancel response here

        thePage.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(thePage.[GetType](), "ConfirmBox", (Convert.ToString("ConfirmBox('") & Message) + "');", True)

        If HiddenConfirmResponse.Value = "OK" Then
            MsgBoxConfirm = True
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        PublicCalls.DisplayBblErrors(thePage, ex, Nothing)
    End Try

End Function


    <script type="text/javascript">
        function ConfirmBox(message) {

            var Answer = confirm(message);

            if (Answer) {

                document.getElementById('<%=txtConfirmResponse.ClientID%>').value = "OK";

            } else {

                document.getElementById('<%=txtConfirmResponse.ClientID%>').value = "Cancel";


            <asp:HiddenField ID="txtConfirmResponse" runat="server" />

当确认框显示时,Code Behind已经移动,并且由于MsgBoxConfirm默认返回false,因此该值永远不会添加到列表中。如果我将默认值更改为True,则无论如何,该值始终会添加到列表中。我已经搜索和搜索,并且共识是客户端代码和服务器端代码之间的分离是原因,并且在我需要它时没有办法显示确认框 - 在将值添加到名单。如果是这种情况,那么我就不会看到确认框如何有用。我看到回答说,&#34;做不同的方式&#34;但怎么样?任何人都可以提供一个明确的例子,说明我需要如何更改此代码才能使其正常工作?我已经尝试过Ajax ModalPopupExtender,但它在显示确认框时没有任何区别。

非常沮丧。感谢您的任何帮助,您可以提供。 吉娜

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