SpriteKit - 获取缩放场景上可见区域的实际大小/帧.AspectFill

时间:2016-02-16 10:43:24

标签: ios sprite-kit screen resolution visible



让scene = GameScene(大小:CGSize(宽度:480,高度:800))


我不确定这是否与我的所有场景有关,无论设备的分辨率是否具有固定的宽度和高度,并使用.AspectFill进行缩放。我一直坚持支持所有屏幕尺寸一段时间的问题,我不确定如何去做。如果它有助于我使用矢量图形文件而不是PNG。 所以我的问题是: 是否有任何支持所有屏幕尺寸的快捷方式,或者我是否必须使用硬编码每个设备上场景中每个节点的坐标?我不明白为什么这会是解决方案,因为它似乎太乏味而且代码看起来很混乱。




4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

以下是Aspect Fill的工作原理:






E.G。您的场景是3x5,设备是9x16,这意味着您的设备将增长到9.6x16,以填充9x16设备的大小。我们得到这个是因为我们的高度比我们的宽度有更多的距离,所以我们需要做3/5 = a / 16,3 * 16 = a * 5,(3 * 16)/ 5 = a a a = 9.6。



我们需要弄清楚.3是9.6的百分比。我们用分区来做,.3 / 9.6 = .03125或3.125%;这意味着我们需要将3.125%的边界推向场景的宽度,即15点。这意味着.03125 * 480 = 15.然后你的边界应该以15宽度和465开始。


let newSceneWidth = (scene.width * view.height) / (scene.height)
let sceneDifference = (newSceneWidth - view.Width)/2
let diffPercentage = sceneDifference / (newSceneWidth)

let leftEdge = diffPercentage * scene.width;
let rightEdge = scene.width - (diffPercentage * scene.width);


答案 1 :(得分:6)


//Returns a CGRect that has the dimensions and position for any device with respect to any specified scene. This will result in a boundary that can be utilised for positioning nodes on a scene so that they are always visible
func getVisibleScreen(var sceneWidth: Float, var sceneHeight: Float, viewWidth: Float, viewHeight: Float) -> CGRect {
    var x: Float = 0
    var y: Float = 0

    let deviceAspectRatio = viewWidth/viewHeight
    let sceneAspectRatio = sceneWidth/sceneHeight

    //If the the device's aspect ratio is smaller than the aspect ratio of the preset scene dimensions, then that would mean that the visible width will need to be calculated
    //as the scene's height has been scaled to match the height of the device's screen. To keep the aspect ratio of the scene this will mean that the width of the scene will extend
    //out from what is visible. 
    //The opposite will happen in the device's aspect ratio is larger.
    if deviceAspectRatio < sceneAspectRatio {
        let newSceneWidth: Float = (sceneWidth * viewHeight) / sceneHeight
        let sceneWidthDifference: Float = (newSceneWidth - viewWidth)/2
        let diffPercentageWidth: Float = sceneWidthDifference / (newSceneWidth)

        //Increase the x-offset by what isn't visible from the lrft of the scene
        x = diffPercentageWidth * sceneWidth
        //Multipled by 2 because the diffPercentageHeight is only accounts for one side(e.g right or left) not both
        sceneWidth = sceneWidth - (diffPercentageWidth * 2 * sceneWidth)
    } else {
        let newSceneHeight: Float = (sceneHeight * viewWidth) / sceneWidth
        let sceneHeightDifference: Float = (newSceneHeight - viewHeight)/2
        let diffPercentageHeight: Float = fabs(sceneHeightDifference / (newSceneHeight))

        //Increase the y-offset by what isn't visible from the bottom of the scene
        y = diffPercentageHeight * sceneHeight
        //Multipled by 2 because the diffPercentageHeight is only accounts for one side(e.g top or bottom) not both
        sceneHeight = sceneHeight - (diffPercentageHeight * 2 * sceneHeight)

    let visibleScreenOffset = CGRect(x: CGFloat(x), y: CGFloat(y), width: CGFloat(sceneWidth), height: CGFloat(sceneHeight))
    return visibleScreenOffset

答案 2 :(得分:1)


struct Constants {
    static let vcHeight = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.height
    static let vcWidth = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width

没有给出适当的界限。 但我不知道你为什么要使用.aspectFill来获得合适的尺寸 当我制作我的游戏时,我使用了这个

let position.x = vcHeight/3   //to putting him on a third of the screen for all iPhone's 

这也可用于获得合适的尺寸。 我对矢量图形一无所知,所以我无法帮助你。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

实际上有一个非常简单的方法可以做到这一点。 SKScene上的函数convertPoint(fromView:)允许将点从其包含的SKView的坐标系转换为场景空间坐标。因此,您可以获取视图的原点和一个等于其最远范围的点,将它们都转换为场景的坐标空间,并按以下方式测量差异:

extension SKScene {
    func viewSizeInLocalCoordinates() -> CGSize {
        let reference = CGPoint(x: view!.bounds.maxX, y: view!.bounds.maxY)
        let bottomLeft = convertPoint(fromView: .zero)
        let topRight = convertPoint(fromView: reference)
        let d = topRight - bottomLeft
        return CGSize(width: d.x, height: d.y)


extension CGPoint {
    static func +(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
        return CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
    static func -(lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
        return CGPoint(x: lhs.x - rhs.x, y: lhs.y - rhs.y)


extension SKScene {
    func viewSizeInLocalCoordinates(ignoreCameraScale: Bool = false) -> CGSize {
        let reference = CGPoint(x: view!.bounds.maxX, y: view!.bounds.maxY)
        var bottomLeft = convertPoint(fromView: .zero)
        var topRight = convertPoint(fromView: reference)

        if ignoreCameraScale, let camera = camera {
            bottomLeft = camera.convert(bottomLeft, from: self)
            topRight = camera.convert(topRight, from: self)

        let d = topRight - bottomLeft
        return CGSize(width: d.x, height: -d.y)