
时间:2016-02-15 21:00:57

标签: jquery jqgrid

我目前正在使用jqgrid 4.8.2我有一个固定宽度为800像素的父网格,以及一个更大的子网格。我已经设置了父网格和子网格,因此shrinkToFit为false。子网格的滚动条显示并正常工作。不幸的是,当我滚动子网格时,父网格中的数据行也会滚动,但不会滚动父网格标题。



var mainGrid = {
  "total": 1,
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  "rows": [{
    "siteId": 12516086,
    "siteName": "Detroit",
    "siteAddress": "1 Woodward",
    "siteCitySt": "Detroit, MI",
    "siteZip": "48205",
    "productCd": "ProductX",
    "productName": "Product X",
    "finishedSize": null,
    "estimatedPieceWeight": 0.125,
    "vdpTypeCode": null,
    "taHouseholds": 1071689,
    "taDistribution": 445139,
    "distribution": 445139,
    "avgCpm": 32.32084084084084084084084084084084084084,
    "investment": 19542.8,
    "coverage": 41.54

var subGrid = {
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  "rows": [{
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    "distribution": 2092,
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    "investment": 0.0,
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    "taCoverage": 100.191570881226053639846743295019157088,
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    "coverageDescDisplay": "Pcd",
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    "ihDay": "M/T",
    "pricingMarket": "MI DETROIT",
    "fkSdmId": 15075973,
    "sdmName": "MI Detroit",
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    "var1Contents": "INDEX",
    "var1Value": "64",
    "var2Name": "Toys, Games, and Hobbies",
    "var2Contents": "INDEX",
    "var2Value": "74",
    "var3Name": "Casual Dining: Olive Garden",
    "var3Contents": "INDEX",
    "var3Value": "83"
  }, {
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    "zip": "48205",
    "atz": "G1",
    "cityName": "DETROIT, MI",
    "households": 1156,
    "taHouseholds": 1156,
    "distribution": 1157,
    "cpm": 0,
    "investment": 0.0,
    "overallCoverage": 100.086505190311418685121107266435986159,
    "taCoverage": 100.086505190311418685121107266435986159,
    "distance": 0.74,
    "coverageDescDisplay": "Pcd",
    "coverageDesc": "Private Carrier Delivery",
    "ihDate": 1463371200000,
    "ihDay": "M/T",
    "pricingMarket": "MI DETROIT",
    "fkSdmId": 15075973,
    "sdmName": "MI Detroit",
    "fkVariableId": 7039,
    "primaryVariableName": "Candy & Chewing Gum",
    "variableContents": "INDEX",
    "variableValue": 68.06,
    "isSelected": false,
    "isActiveMbuCmn": true,
    "isActiveMbuHdr": true,
    "isActiveMbuDtl": true,
    "isUsedInCbx": true,
    "isBought": false,
    "var1Name": "Candy & Chewing Gum",
    "var1Contents": "INDEX",
    "var1Value": "68",
    "var2Name": "Toys, Games, and Hobbies",
    "var2Contents": "INDEX",
    "var2Value": "78",
    "var3Name": "Casual Dining: Olive Garden",
    "var3Contents": "INDEX",
    "var3Value": "91"

$(document).ready(function() {
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      var json = mainGrid;

      for (var i = 0; i < json.rows.length; i++) {
        json.rows[i].id = $.jgrid.randId();
        json.rows[i].siteNameDisp = json.rows[i].siteName + ' - ' +
          json.rows[i].siteAddress + ', ' +
          json.rows[i].siteCitySt + ', ' +

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        edithidden: true
    }, {
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      name: 'siteId',
      width: 100,
      sortable: false,
      editable: true,
      hidden: true,
      editrules: {
        edithidden: true
    }, {
      label: 'Site',
      name: 'siteNameDisp',
      width: 250,
      sortable: false
    }, {
      label: 'Trade Area Households',
      name: 'taHouseholds',
      width: 100,
      sortable: false,
      formatter: 'number',
      formatoptions: {
        thousandsSeparator: ",",
        decimalPlaces: 0
      align: 'right'
    }, {
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      sortable: false,
      formatter: 'number',
      formatoptions: {
        thousandsSeparator: ",",
        decimalPlaces: 0
      align: 'right'
    }, {
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      formatter: 'number',
      formatoptions: {
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        decimalPlaces: 0
      align: 'right'
    }, {
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    subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, parentRowId) {
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function showDetail(subgrid_id, parentRowId) {
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  var parentGridId = 'jqGrid';

  var grid = $('#' + parentGridId);
  var row = grid.getRowData(parentRowId);
  var siteId = row.siteId;
  var productCode = row.productCd;

  var subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id + "_table";
  var subgrid_pager_id = subgrid_id + "_pager";

  $("#" + subgrid_id).html("<table id=\'" + subgrid_table_id + "' class='scroll'></table>" +
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  $("#" + subgrid_table_id).jqGrid({

    datatype: function(postdata) {
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      var json = subGrid;

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        json.rows[i].taDistribution = json.rows[i].distribution;
        json.rows[i].parentGridId = parentGridId;
        json.rows[i].parentRowId = parentRowId;

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          thousandsSeparator: ",",
          decimalPlaces: 0
        align: 'right'
      }, {
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        width: 50,
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        formatter: 'number',
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          thousandsSeparator: ",",
          decimalPlaces: 0
        align: 'right'
      }, {
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        width: 50,
        sortable: false,
        hidden: true,
        formatter: 'number',
        formatoptions: {
          thousandsSeparator: ",",
          decimalPlaces: 0
        align: 'right'

        label: 'CPM',
        name: 'cpm',
        width: 50,
        sortable: true,
        formatter: 'currency',
        formatoptions: {
          decimalSeparator: ".",
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        formatoptions: {
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        label: 'Coverage %',
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        width: 85,
        sortable: true,
        formatter: 'currency',
        formatoptions: {
          decimalSeparator: ".",
          thousandsSeparator: ",",
          decimalPlaces: 2,
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        width: 75,
        sortable: true,
        formatter: 'number',
        formatoptions: {
          thousandsSeparator: ",",
          decimalPlaces: 2
        align: 'right'

        label: 'Coverage Description',
        name: 'coverageDescDisplay',
        width: 90,
        sortable: true

        label: 'IH Date',
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        width: 60,
        sortable: true,
        //formatter: dateFormatter,
        align: 'center'

        label: 'IH Day',
        name: 'ihDay',
        width: 60,
        sortable: true,
        align: 'center'

        label: 'Pricing Market',
        name: 'pricingMarket',
        width: 115,
        sortable: true
      }, {
        label: ' ',
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        align: 'right'

      // Variable 1
        label: ' ',
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        width: 90,
        sortable: true,
        hidden: false,
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      // Variable 2
        label: ' ',
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    viewrecords: true,
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这里是JS Fiddle的链接:



  1. 初始网格渲染
  2. initial grid

    1. 向右滚动子网格后的网格显示。请注意父网格数据列如何不再与标题列同步。实际上,父网格列根本没有滚动。
    2. grid after scrolling sub grid to the right

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先,我要注意,您在问题文本中包含的演示https://jsfiddle.net/msobczak/bebuyk67/3/使用了我的jqGrid分支:free jqGrid不是广告{ {3}} 4.8.2或5.0.2。使用最新的Guriddio jqGrid JS的相应演示将是Guriddio jqGrid JS


.ui-jqgrid tr.ui-subgrid > td {
    overflow: hidden;

如果我要将CSS规则添加到Guriddio jqGrid JS,那么我得到https://jsfiddle.net/OlegKi/bebuyk67/4/,它始终将子网格保存在父网格中,并且您报告的问题从不存在。


$("#" + subgrid_table_id).jqGrid("setGridWidth", $("#" + subgrid_id).width());

或者更简单的方法是将子网格的显式宽度(width: 1400)替换为autowidth: true选项。请参阅演示https://jsfiddle.net/OlegKi/bebuyk67/5/