我正在尝试编写一个模拟航空公司预订系统的程序。我应该使用boolean类型的数组来表示席位数。前五个席位代表头等舱,前五个代表经济。最初,程序必须允许用户在头等舱和经济舱之间做出选择,然后按如下方式处理他的选择: 用户只能在他选择的班级中被分配一个空座位。 一旦一个类已满,用户就可以选择移动到下一个类 如果用户同意移动到下一个班级,则打印一个简单的登机牌。 如果用户拒绝移动到下一个班级。显示下一次航班的时间。我将非常感谢有关如何遍历数组元素以确定其是否为true的帮助。此外,我试图在用户做出选择之前显示每个类中可用的座位数这是我到目前为止所写的。我的代码远未完成,我承认,我是新手程序员请帮忙。谢谢。
import java.util.Scanner;
public class AirlineReservation
private boolean[] seats =; // array to hold seating capacity
private String AirlineName; // name of airline
private int[] counter = new int[5]
// constructor to initialize name and seats
public Airline(String name, boolean[] capacity )
AirlineName = name;
seats = capacity;
} // end constructor
// method to set the Airline name
public void setName( String name )
AirlineName = name; // store the course name
} // end method setCourseName
// method to retreive the course name
public String getName()
return AirlineName;
} // end method getName
// display a welcome message to the Airline user
public void displayMessage()
// display welcome message to the user
System.out.printf("Welcome to the Self-Service menu for\n%s!\n\n",
getName() );
} // end method displayMessage
// processUserRequest
public void processUserRequest()
// output welcome message
// call methods statusA and StatusB
System.out.printf("\n%s %d:\n%s %d:\n\n",
"Number of available seats in First class category is:", statusA(),
"Number of available seats in Economy is", statusB() );
// call method choice
// call method determine availability
// call method boarding pass
} // end method processUserRequest
public int statusA()
for ( int counter = 0; counter <= (seats.length)/2; counter++ )
} // revisit method
// method to ask users choice
public String choice()
System.out.printf(" Enter 0 to select First Class or 1 to select Economy:")
Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
boolean choice = input.nextBoolean();
} // end method choice
// method to check availability of user request
public String availability()
if ( input == 0)
System.out.printf("You have been assigned seat number \t%d", seats[ counter ]);
System.out.printf("You have been assigned seat number \t%d", seats[ counter ]);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
@Anthony:因为你是新手,所以请看下面的评论: 1.在提出问题时要具体。在这种情况下,问题是“如何循环遍历数组!”。您发布了完整的问题陈述。 2.如果之前有人问过类似问题,请在互联网上谷歌或进行正确研究。在这种情况下,类似的问题可以在这里找到: Iterate through string array in Java
boolean flag[] = {true,false,true,false};
for(int i=0;i<flag.length;i++){