create table Bookings
bookingNumber int not null auto_increment,
timeOfBooking datetime not null,
paymentType bit, -- 1: credit card. 0: debet card(cash)
cardIssuedBy varchar(35),
cardholdersName varchar(55),
flightCode int not null,
classID int default 3,
returnFLight boolean default true,
constraint booking_PK primary key(bookingNumber),
constraint booking_flight_FK foreign key(flightCode) references lights(flightCode),
constraint booking_class_FK foreign key(classID) references Classes(classID)
create table Flights
flightCode int not null auto_increment,
flightDate date not null,
flightNumber char(5) not null,
aircraftID char(6) not null,
flightTime time,
constraint flightPK primary key(flightCode),
constraint flight_data_UQ unique(flightDate,flightNumber,aircraftID),
constraint flight_flightschedule_FK foreign key(flightNumber) references FlightSchedules(flightNumber),
constraint flight_aircraft_FK foreign key(aircraftID) references Aircrafts(aircraftID)
drop trigger if exists check_flightGone;
delimiter $$
create trigger check_flightGone
before insert on bookings
for each row
declare msg varchar(255);
if (new.timeOfBooking > Flights.flightDate) then -- eat bananas.
set msg = concat('The flight you have requested has left you, much like everything else in your life... :^)');
signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = msg;
end if;
end $$
delimiter ;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
delimiter $$
create trigger check_flightGone
before insert on bookings
for each row
declare msg varchar(255);
declare fdate date;
set fdate = (select flightDate from flights where new.flightCode = flights.flightCode);
if (new.timeOfBooking > fdate) then -- eat bananas.
set msg = concat('The flight you have requested has left you, much like everything else in your life... :^)');
signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = msg;
end if;
end $$