为什么我得到"未捕获的TypeError:无法读取属性' addEventListener'未定义"

时间:2016-02-14 14:18:56

标签: javascript addeventlistener

我无法弄清楚为什么会收到此错误:"未捕获的TypeError:无法读取属性' addEventListener'未定义"



<form method="post" action="" id="security-check">
<input type="text" name ="first" placeholder="First Name">
<input type="text" name ="last" placeholder="Last Name">
<input type="number" name ="dob" placeholder="DOB">
<input type="text" name ="state" placeholder="State">
<input type="submit" value="submit">


var input = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
var fname = input[0];
var lname = input[1];
var dob = input[2];
var rez = input[3];

function idCheck(first, last, date, state){
  this.first    = "Teddy";
  this.last     = "Broosevelt";
  this.date     = 03041894;
  this.state    = "NY";

  if(firstName != this.first){return false;};
  if(lastName != this.last ){return false;};
  if(birthDate != this.date){return false;};
  if(rez != this.state){return false;};

input[4].addEventListener('submit', function(e){

  idCheck(fname, lname, dob, rez);

}, false);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Cannot read property addEventListener of undefined只是意味着您尝试使用某个对象的addEventListener方法无法正常工作,因为您正在尝试它的对象实际上并不是一个“未定义”的对象。




   <!-- Don't use hypens in element ids -->
   <form method="post" action="#" id="securityCheck">
     <input type="text" name="first" placeholder="First Name">
     <input type="text" name="last" placeholder="Last Name">
     <input type="number" name="dob" placeholder="DOB">
     <input type="text" name="state" placeholder="State">
     <input type="submit" value="submit">

     // If you wish to work with form events, you need a reference to your form:
     var form = document.getElementById("securityCheck");

     var input = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
     var fname = input[0];
     var lname = input[1];
     var dob = input[2];
     var rez = input[3];

     function idCheck(first, last, date, state) {
       this.first = "Teddy";
       this.last = "Broosevelt";
       // This should be a date. You had it as a number and that
       // number could be interpreted as an octal because it starts with 0
       this.date = new Date(1894, 2, 4); // Month is zero-based
       this.state = "NY";

       // Where are firstName, lastName and birthDate being declared?
       if (fName != this.first) { return false; };
       if (lName != this.last) { return false; };
       if (dob != this.date) { return false; };
       if (rez != this.state) { return false; };

     // You are attempting to wire up a submit button to the submit
     // event, but a submit button does not have this event, the form does
     form.addEventListener('submit', function (e) {

       // Calling idCheck may result in a return value of false
       // or it may result in nothing of consequence happening
       // Either way, you are not doing anything with what may
       // or may not come back from idCheck. All this function really 
       // does is ensure that the form never submits
       idCheck(fname, lname, dob, rez);

     }, false);