在java中打印double linkedList

时间:2016-02-13 15:21:58

标签: java linked-list doubly-linked-list


    private static void testListIntegers() {
    MyLinkedList<Integer> testList = new MyLinkedList<Integer>();
    testList.add(new Integer(5));
    testList.add(new Integer(4));
    testList.add(new Integer(3));
    System.out.println(" We have so far inserted " + testList.size() + " elements in the list");
    System.out.println(" Now, there is only " + testList.size() + " elements left in the list");
    testList.add(1, new Integer(7));
    testList.add(2, new Integer(8));
    System.out.println(" About to print content of the list");

private static void testListStrings() {
    MyLinkedList<String> testList = new MyLinkedList<String>();
    testList.add(new String("hello"));
    testList.add(new String("this is"));
    testList.add(new String("cs3345 project 2"));
    System.out.println(" We have so far inserted " + testList.size() + " elements in the list");
    testList.remove("this is");
    System.out.println(" Now, there is only " + testList.size() + "elements left in the list");
    testList.add(1, "a modified version of");
    testList.add(2, "cs3345 project 2, call it version 2");
    System.out.println(" About to print content of the list");

我看到可能使用toString方法,但我不确定这是否有用。我的代码已经有一个名为printList()的方法,但它没有任何参数(教授已经为我们编写了代码,我们必须填写代码)。 print方法在链表类中。

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public void printList() {
    MyLinkedList testList = new MyLinkedList();

    Node temp = testList.beginMarker;

    while(temp != null){

        temp = temp.myHead;



public class MyLinkedList<AnyType> implements Iterable<AnyType> {
    private int theSize;
    private Node<AnyType> beginMarker;
    private Node<AnyType> endMarker;

    public class Node<AnyType> {
        public Node(AnyType data, Node<AnyType> head, Node<AnyType> tail) {
            myData = data;
            myHead = head;
            myTail = tail;

        public AnyType myData;
        public Node<AnyType> myHead;
        public Node<AnyType> myTail;


    public MyLinkedList() {
        beginMarker = new Node(null, endMarker, null);
        endMarker = new Node(null, null, beginMarker);

        theSize = 0;


    public void clear() {
        beginMarker.myHead = endMarker;
        endMarker.myTail = beginMarker;


    public int size() {

        return theSize;


    public boolean exist(AnyType newVal){

        beginMarker.myHead.myData = newVal;

     if(newVal !=null){

         return true;


     return false;


    public boolean add(AnyType newVal) {

        { add( size(), newVal); return true;}


    public boolean add(int index, AnyType newVal) {

            addBefore( getNode( index, 0, size( ) ), newVal );

            return true;


    public Node<AnyType> get(AnyType nodeData) {

        Node<AnyType> node = beginMarker;

        while(node != endMarker){

            //Means node.data = nodeData

            return node;    


        return null;

    //Added method
    private Node<AnyType> getNode(int index, int lower, int upper){

        Node<AnyType> x;

        if (index < lower || index > upper)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

        if (index < size() /2){
            x = beginMarker.myHead;
            for(int i = 0; i <index; i++)
                x = x.myHead;


             x= endMarker;
             for(int i = size(); i > index; i--)
                 x = x.myTail;
    return x;

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