Assembly - Issue getting user input

时间:2016-02-12 21:07:47

标签: assembly x86 nasm intel x86-16

Thanks in advance for any assistance. This issue has been driving me crazy. So Ive got a little calculator application that asks for the users name, asks for 2 numbers, asks if they want to Add/Sub/Mul/Div, prints out the answer and then asks if they want to do it again. Well, everything works perfectly until I get to the part that asks if they want to do it again. When we get to this point, the system prints the question, but does not wait for a response. The code is pretty well the same for all user input, so Im incredibly confused as to what the issue is. Ive included the code below and highlighted the function that is the issue. Youll see that there are others that are pretty well exactly the same, and they have no issues. Anyway, here it is.

idQ="Open_myfilenamepathhere" ... onAction="Open_OnAction"

Sub Open_OnAction(control As IRibbonControl)
    Dim filename As String

    'This splits the control into multiple array elements based on delimeter of "_", then grabs the 2nd element (since the array's first element is 0)
    filename = Split(,"_")(1)

    'The rest of your code here
End Sub

So the bolded section is where the issue is, at least where I think it is. Basically it just skips over this, or seems like its skipping over it. The previous function displays the question but then doesnt wait for a response and, because we cannot enter anything, it just ends.

Thanks again for any help,


Oh, and I hope that it turns out to be something really stupid that Ive just overlooked.. I can deal with being stupid Lol, I just want this to work.

EDIT: When I debug this with GDB, there is no issue, so unfortunately debugging is no help..

EDIT2: Just realized that it didnt actually bold that section but rather just put ** before and after.. I guess to simplify, for those that dont want to read all the code, this is the function, or system call, that seems to be not functioning correctly.

; "Hello World!" in 64 bit Linux NASM

global _start            ; global entry point export for ld

section .text
    ; sys_write(stdout, message, length) 
    mov     rax, 4          ; sys_write syscall
    mov     rbx, 1          ; std_out
    mov     rcx, inputMsg  ; message address
    mov     rdx, input_L    ; message string length
    int     80h

    ; grab user input   
    mov     rax, 3          ; sys_read syscall
    mov     rbx, 0          ; std_in
    mov     rcx, userIn     ; output to username
    mov     rdx, 16         ; accept 16 bytes
    int     80h

    ; say hello 
    mov     rax, 4          ; sys_write
    mov     rbx, 1          ; std_out
    mov     rcx, helloMsg
    mov     rdx, helloMsg_L
    int     80h

    ; print users name
    mov     rax, 4
    mov     rbx, 1
    mov     rcx, userIn
    mov     rdx, 16
    int     80h

    ; ask for first number
    mov     rax, 4
    mov     rbx, 1
    mov     rcx, numMsg1
    mov     rdx, numMsg1_L
    int     80h

    ; grab first number
    mov     rax, 3
    mov     rbx, 2
    mov     rcx, num1
    mov     rdx, 8
    int     80h

    ; ask user for second number
    mov     rax, 4
    mov     rbx, 1
    mov     rcx, numMsg2
    mov     rdx, numMsg2_L
    int     80h

    ; grab second number
    mov     rax, 3
    mov     rbx, 2
    mov     rcx, num2
    mov     rdx, 8
    int     80h

    ; ask user what function they want to do 1=add, 2=sub, 3=mul, 4=div
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, function
    mov rdx, function_L
    int 80h

    ; get what function user wants to do
    mov     rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, func
    mov rdx, 1
    int 80h

    ; go to appropriate label
    mov rax, [func]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _add
    cmp rax, 2
    je  _sub
    cmp rax, 3
    je  _mul
    cmp rax, 4
    je  _div

    ; display sum
    mov     rax, 4          ; sys_write
    mov     rbx, 1          ; std_out
    mov     rcx, sum
    mov     rdx, 16
    int     80h

    ; ask user if they want to enter more numbers
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, inMsg2
    mov rdx, inMsg2_L
    int     80h

    ;get answer
    mov rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, response
    mov rdx, 1
    int     80h

    mov rax, [response]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _calc
    jmp _end

    ; add numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    add     rax, rbx        ; add rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp _sum

    ; subtract numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    sub     rax, rbx        ; add rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp _sum

    ; multiply numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    imul    rax, rbx        ; multiply rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp _sum

    ; devide numbers
    mov     rax, [num1]     ; move first number into rax
    sub     rax, '0'        ; sub '0' to convert ascii to decimal
    mov     rbx, [num2]     ; move second number into rbx
    sub     rbx, '0'        ; sub ascii '0' to convert to decimal
    idiv    rbx     ; divide rbx to rax
    add     rax, '0'        ; add ascii '0' to convert to ascii
    mov     [sum], rax      ; move the sum to a temp variable
    jmp     _sum

    ; sys_exit(return_code) 
    mov     rax, 1        ; sys_exit syscall
    mov     rbx, 0        ; return 0 (success)
    int     80h

section .data
    helloMsg:   db  'Hello, '       ; message and newline
    helloMsg_L:     equ     $-helloMsg           ; 
    inputMsg:   db  'Enter your name: '  ; message telling user to input name
    input_L:    equ     $-inputMsg
    numMsg1:    db  'Enter number 1: '  ; message telling user to inpt first number
    numMsg1_L:  equ     $-numMsg1
    numMsg2:    db  'Enter number 2: '  ; message telling user to input second number
    numMsg2_L:  equ     $-numMsg2
    function:   db  'Select function: ADD(1), SUB(2), MUL(3), DIV(4) '
    function_L:     equ     $-function
    inMsg2:     db  'Run again? YES(1), NO(0) '
    inMsg2_L:   equ $-inMsg2
    sumMsg:     db  'The sum is: '
    sumMsg_L:   equ $-sumMsg

section .bss
    userIn:     resb    16
    num1:       resb    8
    num2:       resb    8
    sum:        resb    16
    func:       resb    2
    response:   resb    2

and then there is this one, that does function.

; ask user if they want to enter more numbers
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, inMsg2
    mov rdx, inMsg2_L
    int     80h

    ;get answer
    mov rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, response
    mov rdx, 1
    int     80h

    mov rax, [response]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _calc
    jmp _end

So again, why one works and the other doesnt escapes me at this point, and I have debugged the code, which unfortunately has not really given me any insite into what the issue is.


This is what I get when I run it.

; ask user what function they want to do 1=add, 2=sub, 3=mul, 4=div
    mov rax, 4
    mov rbx, 1
    mov rcx, function
    mov rdx, function_L
    int 80h

    ; get what function user wants to do
    mov     rax, 3
    mov rbx, 2
    mov rcx, func
    mov rdx, 1
    int 80h

    ; go to appropriate label
    mov rax, [func]
    sub rax, '0'
    cmp rax, 1
    je  _add
    cmp rax, 2
    je  _sub
    cmp rax, 3
    je  _mul
    cmp rax, 4
    je  _div

So after it prints the sum it just totally goes stupid. Prints the next string on the same line and just ends without grabbing user input..

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

谢谢Michael Petch让我走上正轨。你的最后评论,建议机会mov rdx, 1 mov rdx, 2让我走的正确。不得不做一些更小的调整,但它现在正如我所料的那样运作。因为我读了2个字节,其中一个是换行符(再次谢谢你迈克尔),然后我只是cmp反对AL,这似乎可以解决问题。


;get answer
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, response
mov edx, 2
int     80h

mov eax, [response]
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 1
je  _calc
jmp _end