每个操作系统都有一个活动指示器。 OS X和iOS有一朵花,可以点亮并以圆形图案淡化每个踏板。 Windows有一个旋转蓝盘的东西。 Android有一个灰色的东西(我认为它也可以有各种其他颜色 - IDK,我不会使用Android。)
我知道Tkinter提供了一个进度条,它具有不确定的模式。我不想使用它 - 我需要适合小方块区域的东西,而不是长矩形区域。第一段中描述的活动指标将是完美的。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这应该足以满足您的要求。我想创建自己的动画或从你想要显示的帧逐帧下载。 Canvas更多的是与用户交互,这就是为什么我使用标签来显示图像......
import tkinter as tk
class Activity(tk.Label):
def __init__(self, master = None, delay = 1000, cnf = {}, **kw):
self._taskID = None
self.delay = delay
return super().__init__(master, cnf, **kw)
# starts the animation
def start(self):
self.after(0, self._loop)
# calls its self after a specific <delay>
def _loop(self):
currentText = self["text"] + "."
if currentText == "....":
currentText = ""
self["text"] = currentText
self._taskID = self.after(self.delay, self._loop)
# stopps the loop method calling its self
def stop(self):
# Depends if you want to destroy the widget after the loop has stopped
class AcitivityImage(Activity):
def __init__(self, imagename, frames, filetype, master = None, delay = 1000, cnf = {}, **kw):
self._frames = []
self._index = 0
for i in range(frames):
self._frames.append(tk.PhotoImage(file = imagename+str(i)+'.'+str(filetype)))
return super().__init__(master, delay, cnf, **kw)
def _loop(self):
self["image"] = self._frames[self._index]
# add one to index if the index is less then the amount of frames
self._index = (self._index + 1 )% len(self._frames)
self._taskID = self.after(self.delay, self._loop)
root = tk.Tk()
# create a activity image widget
#root.b = AcitivityImage("activity", 3, "png", root)
# create the activity widget
root.a = Activity(root, 500, bg = "yellow")
# start the loop
# stop the activity loop after 7 seconds
root.after(7000, root.a.stop)
#root.after(8000, root.b.stop)