
时间:2016-02-11 22:30:46

标签: java



public class RevisedLeapYear {
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws java.io.IOException {

    char restartChoice = 'y';
    int readCh, year=0, i;
    boolean isLeapYear;

    while(restartChoice == 'y' || restartChoice == 'Y'){
        System.out.print("Enter target year: ");
        for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)//start for
            readCh = (int)System.in.read();
            switch(i) //start switch
            {//converts in to 4 digits
                case 0: year = (int)((readCh - 48) * 1000); break;
                case 1: year = year + (int) ((readCh - 48) * 100); break;
                case 2: year = year + (int) ((readCh - 48) * 10); break;
                case 3: year = year + (int) (readCh - 48);
            }//end switch
    }//end for
        isLeapYear = ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0));
                if(isLeapYear == true && year > 1581){
                System.out.println(year + " is a Leap Year! What a time to be alive!");
                else if(isLeapYear == false && year > 1581){
                System.out.println(year + " is not a Leap Year... how unfortunate.");
                System.out.println("There are no leap years before 1582!");
    readCh = System.in.read(); // Clear the carriage return in the buffer
    readCh = System.in.read(); // Clear the linefeed in the buffer

    System.out.print("Reset program? y/n \n");
    restartChoice=(char)System.in.read(); //Clears restart choice from the buffer.
    year=(int)System.in.read(); //Clears year from the buffer.

}//End main
}//End class

我遇到的问题是,在命令提示符下,无论第二个条目是什么,它总是会说它小于1582.当我在netbeans中开发它时我遇到了同样的问题,并通过清除修复它“year =(int)System.in.read();”的缓冲区。该程序在此之后顺利运行,但现在在使用命令提示符运行时,问题会重复。


///// In Netbeans

Enter target year: 2916
2916 is a Leap Year! What a time to be alive!

Reset program? y/n 
Enter target year: 1900
1900 is not a Leap Year... how unfortunate.

Reset program? y/n 
Enter target year: 1432
There are no leap years before 1582!

Reset program? y/n 
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 49 seconds)

///// end of program

///// In command prompt

Enter target year: 2916
2916 is a Leap Year! What a time to be alive1
Reset program? y/n
Enter target year: 1900
There are no leap years before 1582!
Reset program? y/n

///// End of program

有一些问题。 它始终认为用户输入了#&lt; 1582在第二轮计划中。

  1. 在netbeans运行中,在条目是否是闰年的结果之后有空格,用户必须按一个键继续复位提示,由于某种原因,命令提示符旁路。它不一定是个问题,事实上它更好,但它可能与问题有关。

  2. 无论在重置提示中输入什么,程序在第二次迭代后结束。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

可以在a System.out.println(readCh);

之后添加readCh = (int)System.in.read();吗?


year=(int)System.in.read(); //Clears year from the buffer.

您可以用年份= 0来清除年份;