我正在使用python 3空闲,并没有突出显示任何东西告诉我语法错误是什么。提到它在第九行,但我看不到它。
import time#python module with time related functions
file = open('speeders.txt', 'r')
speeders = file.read()
print (speeders) #prints out list of speeding cars
reg_plate = int(input("Please enter the car's registration plate"))#registration plate
speed_limit = int(input("Please enter your speed limit in mph"))#assigns speed limit
input("Press enter when the car passes the first sensor")#assign values to the end and start time variables
start_time = time.time()
input("Press enter when the car passes the second sensor")
end_time = time.time()
distance = float(input("Enter the distance between the two sensors in metres")) #assigns a value to distance
time_taken = end_time - start_time #works out the time it took the car to travel the length of the road
AverageSpeed = distance / time_taken #works out the average speed of the car
print ("The average speed of the car is", AverageSpeed, "m/s") #prints out the average speed of the car in m/s
AverageSpeedMPH = (AverageSpeed * 2.23694) #converts to mph
print ("That's", AverageSpeedMPH, "in mph") #prints out the speed in mph
if AverageSpeedMPH > speed_limit: #prints out whether car is speeding, adds to txt file
print (reg_plate, "is speeding")
file = open("speeders.txt", "a")
file.write(reg_plate + ",")
print (reg_plate, "is not speeding, be on your merry way") #prints out if not speeding
Please enter the car's registration plate5
Please enter your speed limit in mph5
Press enter when the car passes the first sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Szymon\Google Drive\Computing\Actual CA work\app2.py", line 9, in <module>
input("Press enter when the car passes the first sensor")#lines 3-7 assign values to the end and start time variables
File "<string>", line 0
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
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答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果使用输入,则您键入的数据将被解释为Python 表达意味着你最终与gawd知道什么类型的 目标变量中的对象,以及各种各样的对象 可以生成的异常。所以你不应该使用输入,除非 你正准备进行临时测试,只能用于 对Python表达有所了解的人。
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