我有一个AngularJS + C#.NET OnePage应用程序网站。目标是从我拥有C#的私有Google电子表格中检索JSON(不是使用AngularJS)。我阅读了各种Google表格文档和API,OAuth 2.0等,并尝试了一些示例,但它们似乎都不适用于我。我看到有不同的方法可以从Google电子表格中访问和检索数据,但是,它们并不适用于我的案例。 谁能帮我? 谢谢。
编辑:我设法通过在Google Developers Console下创建其他应用程序类型来获取令牌=>凭据=>创建客户端ID。这是C#控制台应用程序:
using System;
using Google.GData.Client;
using Google.GData.Spreadsheets;
namespace MySpreadsheetIntegration
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// STEP 1: Configure how to perform OAuth 2.0
// TODO: Update the following information with that obtained from
// https://code.google.com/apis/console. After registering
// your application, these will be provided for you.
string CLIENT_ID = "12345678.apps.googleusercontent.com";
// This is the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret retrieved
// above. Be sure to store this value securely. Leaking this
// value would enable others to act on behalf of your application!
string CLIENT_SECRET = "Gc0230jdsah01jqpowpgff";
// Space separated list of scopes for which to request access.
string SCOPE = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds https://docs.google.com/feeds";
// This is the Redirect URI for installed applications.
// If you are building a web application, you have to set your
// Redirect URI at https://code.google.com/apis/console.
string REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";
// STEP 2: Set up the OAuth 2.0 object
// OAuth2Parameters holds all the parameters related to OAuth 2.0.
OAuth2Parameters parameters = new OAuth2Parameters();
// Set your OAuth 2.0 Client Id (which you can register at
// https://code.google.com/apis/console).
parameters.ClientId = CLIENT_ID;
// Set your OAuth 2.0 Client Secret, which can be obtained at
// https://code.google.com/apis/console.
parameters.ClientSecret = CLIENT_SECRET;
// Set your Redirect URI, which can be registered at
// https://code.google.com/apis/console.
parameters.RedirectUri = REDIRECT_URI;
// STEP 3: Get the Authorization URL
// Set the scope for this particular service.
parameters.Scope = SCOPE;
// Get the authorization url. The user of your application must visit
// this url in order to authorize with Google. If you are building a
// browser-based application, you can redirect the user to the authorization
// url.
string authorizationUrl = OAuthUtil.CreateOAuth2AuthorizationUrl(parameters);
Console.WriteLine("Please visit the URL above to authorize your OAuth "
+ "request token. Once that is complete, type in your access code to "
+ "continue...");
parameters.AccessCode = Console.ReadLine();
// STEP 4: Get the Access Token
// Once the user authorizes with Google, the request token can be exchanged
// for a long-lived access token. If you are building a browser-based
// application, you should parse the incoming request token from the url and
// set it in OAuthParameters before calling GetAccessToken().
string accessToken = parameters.AccessToken;
Console.WriteLine("OAuth Access Token: " + accessToken);
// STEP 5: Make an OAuth authorized request to Google
// Initialize the variables needed to make the request
GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory =
new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1", parameters);
SpreadsheetsService service = new SpreadsheetsService("MySpreadsheetIntegration-v1");
service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
首先,在创建凭证服务帐户密钥下的Google Developer Console中创建。
然后,您必须选择服务帐户类型,您可以选择 App Engine默认服务帐户,然后您可以下载包含私钥的json文件。
使用此文件,您可以以编程方式创建Google凭据(其中" sheets-test.json"是下载的json文件):
var credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(new FileStream("Sheets-test.json", FileMode.Open)).CreateScoped(Scopes);
授予服务用户(您可以在 client_email 字段的json文件中找到它)访问您的电子表格。
以下是完整代码,可让您将值附加到电子表格中的第一个空闲行,我修改了google .NET quickstart project:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Sheets.v4;
using Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.Data;
namespace SheetApiTest
public class SheetApiWithGoogleCredentials
static string[] Scopes = { SheetsService.Scope.Spreadsheets };
static string ApplicationName = "Google Sheets API .NET Quickstart";
public void AppendData()
// the downloaded jsonn file with private key
var credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(new FileStream("Sheets-test.json", FileMode.Open)).CreateScoped(Scopes);
var service = new SheetsService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = ApplicationName,
// spreadsheet id - your own spreadsheet id
var spreadsheetId = "11AwV7d1pEPq4x-rx9WeZHNwGJa0ehfRhh760";
var valueRange = new ValueRange { Values = new List<IList<object>> { new List<object>() } };
// insert here the name of your spreadsheet table
var rangeToWrite = "Tabellenblatt1";
var appendRequest = service.Spreadsheets.Values.Append(valueRange, spreadsheetId, rangeToWrite);
appendRequest.ValueInputOption = SpreadsheetsResource.ValuesResource.AppendRequest.ValueInputOptionEnum.USERENTERED;
var appendReponse = appendRequest.Execute();
答案 1 :(得分:1)
有一种方法可以使用证书进行服务器到服务器的通信,而不是复制/粘贴Google AccessCode提供的通信,以便建立通信。
首先,您需要从Google Console获取证书。 如果您尚未创建项目,请为其命名。然后:
public async Task<ActionResult> ServerAuth()
ViewBag.Message = "Server to server authentication";
List<string> records = new List<string>();
const string ServiceAccountEmail = "your-account@appspot.gserviceaccount.com";
string fullKeyPath = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Key/MyProjectKey.p12"); // The certificate generated by Google and uploaded in the project.
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(fullKeyPath, "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable); // "notasecret" is the password for the certificate
var serviceAccountCredentialInitializer = new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(ServiceAccountEmail)
Scopes = new[] { "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds", "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/private/full" }
var credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(serviceAccountCredentialInitializer);
if (!await credential.RequestAccessTokenAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken.None))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Access token request failed.");
var requestFactory = new GDataRequestFactory(null);
requestFactory.CustomHeaders.Add("Authorization: Bearer " + credential.Token.AccessToken);
var service = new SpreadsheetsService(null) { RequestFactory = requestFactory };
SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();
query.Title = "Test Sheet"; // The exact name of the sheet you want to read
query.Exact = true;
var feed = service.Query(query);
foreach (SpreadsheetEntry entry in feed.Entries)
foreach (WorksheetEntry worksheet in entry.Worksheets.Entries.Cast<WorksheetEntry>())
CellQuery cellQuery = new CellQuery(worksheet.CellFeedLink);
CellFeed cellFeed = service.Query(cellQuery);
foreach (CellEntry cell in cellFeed.Entries)
return View(records);