netlink/genl/genl.h: No such file or directory
因此我在用另一台PC下载后安装了libnl 3.2.25,但是使用hostapd运行make仍然会引发同样的错误。我认为这是因为(在配置libnl时出现):
There have been some changes starting with 3.2 regarding where and how libnl
is being installed on the system in order to allow multiple libnl versions
to be installed in parallel:
- Headers will be installed in ${prefix}/include/libnl3, therefore
you will need to add "-I/usr/include/libnl3" to CFLAGS
- The library basename was renamed to libnl-3, i.e. the SO names become
libnl-3.so., libnl-route-3.so, etc.
- libtool versioning was assumed, to ease detection of compatible library
问题在于:我不知道如何告诉make libnl在哪里,并且由于没有配置文件,我应该在哪里添加“-I / usr / include / libnl3”?很抱歉,如果这是一个愚蠢的问题,但我在没有找到答案的情况下阅读了make的文档,而且我之前从未遇到过这个问题。