我需要编写一个函数,将我的应用程序添加到OS X 10.11上的Startup项目中。这就是我现在所发现的:
func applicationIsInStartUpItems() -> Bool {
return (itemReferencesInLoginItems().existingReference != nil)
func itemReferencesInLoginItems() -> (existingReference: LSSharedFileListItemRef?, lastReference: LSSharedFileListItemRef?) {
if let appUrl : NSURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath) {
let loginItemsRef = LSSharedFileListCreate(nil, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems.takeRetainedValue(), nil).takeRetainedValue() as LSSharedFileListRef?
if loginItemsRef != nil {
let loginItems: NSArray = LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot(loginItemsRef, nil).takeRetainedValue() as NSArray
if(loginItems.count > 0) {
let lastItemRef: LSSharedFileListItemRef = loginItems.lastObject as! LSSharedFileListItemRef
for var i = 0; i < loginItems.count; ++i {
let currentItemRef: LSSharedFileListItemRef = loginItems.objectAtIndex(i) as! LSSharedFileListItemRef
if let itemURL = LSSharedFileListItemCopyResolvedURL(currentItemRef, 0, nil) {
if (itemURL.takeRetainedValue() as NSURL).isEqual(appUrl) {
return (currentItemRef, lastItemRef)
return (nil, lastItemRef)
} else {
let addatstart: LSSharedFileListItemRef = kLSSharedFileListItemBeforeFirst.takeRetainedValue()
return (nil, nil)
func toggleLaunchAtStartup() {
let itemReferences = itemReferencesInLoginItems()
let shouldBeToggled = (itemReferences.existingReference == nil)
if let loginItemsRef = LSSharedFileListCreate( nil, kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems.takeRetainedValue(), nil).takeRetainedValue() as LSSharedFileListRef? {
if shouldBeToggled {
if let appUrl : CFURLRef = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath) {
LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(loginItemsRef, itemReferences.lastReference, nil, nil, appUrl, nil, nil)
} else {
if let itemRef = itemReferences.existingReference {
但在OS X中已弃用LSSharedFileListCreate
10.11。如何在最新版本的Mac OS上运行?如何更改或重写此代码?
答案 0 :(得分:13)
答案 1 :(得分:9)
在Swift 3.0中,它看起来像这样:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Check if the launcher app is started
var startedAtLogin = false
for app in NSWorkspace.shared().runningApplications {
if app.bundleIdentifier == NCConstants.launcherApplicationIdentifier {
startedAtLogin = true
// If the app's started, post to the notification center to kill the launcher app
if startedAtLogin {
DistributedNotificationCenter.default().postNotificationName(NCConstants.KILLME, object: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier, userInfo: nil, options: DistributedNotificationCenter.Options.deliverImmediately)
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
let mainAppIdentifier = "<main-app-bundle-id>"
let running = NSWorkspace.shared().runningApplications
var alreadyRunning = false
// loop through running apps - check if the Main application is running
for app in running {
if app.bundleIdentifier == mainAppIdentifier {
alreadyRunning = true
if !alreadyRunning {
// Register for the notification killme
DistributedNotificationCenter.default().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(self.terminate), name: NCConstants.KILLME, object: mainAppIdentifier)
// Get the path of the current app and navigate through them to find the Main Application
let path = Bundle.main.bundlePath as NSString
var components = path.pathComponents
let newPath = NSString.path(withComponents: components)
// Launch the Main application
else {
// Main application is already running
func terminate() {
print("Terminate application")
最后,在主应用程序中,我添加了一个带有切换按钮的用户界面。用户可以选择是否在登录时启动应用程序。该选项存储在UserDefaults中。 在视图控制器中:
@IBAction func toggleLaunchAtLogin(_ sender: Any) {
if toggleOpenAppLogin.selectedSegment == 0 {
if !SMLoginItemSetEnabled(NCConstants.launcherApplicationIdentifier as CFString, true) {
print("The login item was not successfull")
toggleOpenAppLogin.setSelected(true, forSegment: 1)
else {
UserDefaults.standard.set("true", forKey: "appLoginStart")
else {
if !SMLoginItemSetEnabled(NCConstants.launcherApplicationIdentifier as CFString, false) {
print("The login item was not successfull")
toggleOpenAppLogin.setSelected(true, forSegment: 0)
else {
UserDefaults.standard.set("false", forKey: "appLoginStart")