certificates: [{type: "abc",file: {name: "xyz",path:"/usr/local",extension: "csv"}} , {type: "xyz",file: {name: "xyz",path: "/usr/local",extension: "csv"}} , {type: "nmo",file: {name: "xyz",path: "/usr/local",extension: "csv"}}]
var list = (jsonValue \ "certificates").as[List[Map[String,String]]]
答案 0 :(得分:3)
使用Play JSON:
val json =
"""{ "certificates": [{"type": "abc","file": {"name": "xyz","path":"/usr/local","extension": "csv"}} , {"type": "xyz","file": {"name": "xyz","path": "/usr/local","extension": "csv"}} , {"type": "nmo","file": {"name": "xyz","path": "/usr/local","extension": "csv"}}] }"""
val jsonValue = Json.parse(json)
val list = (jsonValue \ "certificates").as[List[Certificate]]
// Source image
$image = imagecreatefrompng("test.png");
$finalImage = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
// Bg add
$backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($finalImage, 252,252,252); // gray
imagefill($finalImage, 0, 0, $backgroundColor);
// New sizes calculation
$percent = 0.5;
$new_width = $w * $percent;
$new_height = $h * $percent;
// First image add
imagecopyresampled($finalImage, $image, $new_width, $new_height, 0, 0,
$new_width, $new_height, $w, $h);
// Second image rotate with transparant bg
$transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha( $image,0,0,0,127 );
$rotatedImage = imagerotate( $image, -60, $transparency, 1);
imagealphablending( $rotatedImage, false );
imagesavealpha( $rotatedImage, true );
// Getting new rotated image sizes to avoid cutting border
$rw = imagesx($rotatedImage);
$rh = imagesy($rotatedImage);
// Second rotated image add with bigger space
imagecopyresampled($finalImage, $rotatedImage, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$rw*$percent, $rh*$percent, $rw, $rh);
// Outputing png image
header( 'Content-Type: image/png' );
imagepng( $finalImage );