
时间:2016-02-10 20:53:00

标签: c output console-application histogram

我试图通过创建一个水平方向的直方图来解决K& R C练习1-13,该直方图测量用户输入中不同长度的单词的频率。这是我的代码:

#include <stdio.h>


int a, b, c, d;                                 //array_position, word_length, getchar(), word_count
int y[10];                                      //array representing word lengths from 1-10 letters

b =  0;                                         //word_length initializes with a zero value
a = 1;                                          //array_position initializes with a value of one (no words contain zero characters)

for(y[a] = 0; (c = getchar()) != EOF;){         //current array position initializes with a zero value, and c initializes as the current input character
    if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')      //if c is anything other than a blank, newline or tab
        ++b;                                     //increment the word_length by one
    else                                        //otherwise
        ++a;                                    //increment the array_position by one
        b = 0;                                  //and reset the word_length to zero

a = 1;                                          //reset the array_position to one

    if(y[a] > 0){                               //if current array_position holds a value greater than 0
        printf("%i",a);                         //print the name of the array_position (1,2,3...)
        for(d = 0; d < y[a]; ++d){              //reset the word_length--if the word_length is less than the value contained in the current array position, increment the word length by one
            putchar('-');                       //print a dash and re-evaluate the condition
        if(d == y[a]){                          //when the word_length is equal to the value contained in the current array position
            putchar('-');                       //print a final dash
            putchar('\n');                      //and a newline
    ++a;                                        //increment the array position by one
}while(a > 11);                                 //repeat until the current array position is 11



等等。它还将省略任何未被输入中的一个或多个单词表示的长度。但是,上面显示的代码会在所有中返回 no 输出,并且我已经在这个问题上工作了三天。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


a = 1;                                          //reset the array_position to one
    if(y[a] > 0){                               //if current array_position holds a value greater than 0
        printf("%i",a);                         //print the name of the array_position (1,2,3...)
        for(d = 0; d < y[a]; ++d){              //reset the word_length--if the word_length is less than the value contained in the current array position, increment the word length by one
            putchar('-');                       //print a dash and re-evaluate the condition
        if(d == y[a]){                          //when the word_length is equal to the value contained in the current array position
            putchar('-');                       //print a final dash
            putchar('\n');                      //and a newline
    ++a;                                        //increment the array position by one
}while(a > 11);  

您需要检查while (a < 11)而不是while (a > 11)


if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')      //if c is anything other than a blank, newline or tab
    ++b;                                     //increment the word_length by one
else                                        //otherwise
    ++a;                                    //increment the array_position by one
    b = 0; 


if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')      //if c is anything other than a blank, newline or tab
    ++b;                                     //increment the word_length by one
else {                                       //otherwise
    ++a;                                    //increment the array_position by one
    b = 0; 

答案 1 :(得分:1)


首先,如前所述,您的do..while循环应检查a < 11而不是a > 11


for(y[a] = 0; (c = getchar()) != EOF;){     
    if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')  
        b = 0;                              



for (d=0;d<10;d++) {
    y[d] = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
    if(c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t') {
    } else {
        b = 0;    