PayPal Rest API直接付款

时间:2016-02-10 13:21:18

标签: paypal-sandbox paypal-rest-sdk

我目前让我的网站通过PayPal接受付款。我使用PHP SDK作为REST API来处理这个问题。这是我通过我的网站处理付款的步骤:

  1. Create a payment意图设置为“Sale”,付款方式设置为“paypal”,重定向网址设置为确认页面。
  2. 在确认页面上,我将返回的paymentId和PayerID(来自查询字符串)存储在步骤3中使用。
  3. 一旦用户确认订单,我就execute the payment传递第2步中存储的paymentId和PayerID。
  4. 这是一种享受。但是,我想让用户选择通过PayPal(如上)或通过我的网站(使用PayPal直接付款)处理付款。




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You'll just need to process the first step (create the payment) when it comes to a credit card (detailed here:

For your other question about the issues in not being able to have the user confirm, there are a few things you can do:

Since I think auth/capture is closer to what you're thinking about doing, let me dig in there a bit further. What you're essentially doing is authorizing the funds (holding them on the user's payment source) and then capturing them at a later time. This is the same premise as a hotel putting a hold on your credit card for incidentals, and later canceling the hold.

You can do all of this with the PayPal REST API. Here are the features you're looking for:

After you authorize, that's the point where the user can confirm and you can validate the card. Once everything is approved, you can then capture.

I know this isn't going to be an issue for you, but I'll mention it anyways. With auth/capture, authorized funds will be guaranteed to be there for only 3 days (honor period), but you can keep trying to capture the funds for 29 days. After those 3 days though, there isn't a guarantee that the funds will be present.

Hope that helps