Name | Specialty | Rank
John | Basket Weaving | 12
Sally | Basket Weaving | 6
Smith | Fencing | 12
用户可以请求1,2或更多列,并且他们请求的列可能不同。例如,用户可以请求Specialty == Basket Weaving
和Rank == 12. What I do currently is gather the user's request and create a list of
KeyValuePair where the
Key is the column name and the
class UserSearch
private List<KeyValuePair<string, string> criteria = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
public void AddTerm(string column, string value)
criteria.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(column, value);
public void Search()
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
// Search for entries where the column's (key's) value matches
// the KVP's value.
var query = db.MyTable.Where(???);
/* ... Somewhere else in code, user adds terms to their search
* effectively performing the following ... */
UserSearch search = new UserSearch();
search.Add("Specialty", "Basket Weaving");
search.Add("Rank", "12");
using (var db = new MyDbContext)
// Where each column name (key) in criteria matches
// the corresponding value in criteria.
var query = db.MyTable.Where(???);
更新3 :我越来越近了。我已经发现了一种在我下载后使用LINQ的方法 表中的所有值。这显然不是超级理想,因为它下载 表中的一切。所以我想最后一步是找出一种方法 我不必每次都下载整个表格。以下是我正在做的事情的解释:
db.MyTable.ToList().Where(e => ...
criteria.Select(c => e.GetType()?.GetProperty(c.Key)?.GetValue(e)?.ToString() == c.Value)
Basically just gets the value of specific column
by string
.All(c => c == true)
// This class was generated from the ADO.NET Entity Data Model template
// from the database. I have stripped the excess stuff from it leaving
// only the properties.
public class MyTableEntry
public string Name { get; }
public string Specialty { get; }
public string Rank { get; }
class UserSearch
private List<KeyValuePair<string, string> criteria = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
public void AddTerm(string column, string value)
criteria.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(column, value);
public async Task<List<MyTableEntry>> Search()
using (var db = new MyDbContext())
var entries = await db.MyTable.ToListAsync();
var matches = entries.Where(e => criteria.Select(c => e.GetType()
?.ToString() == c.Value)
.All(c => c == true));
return matches.ToList();
答案 0 :(得分:9)
由于您的列和过滤器是动态的,动态LINQ 库可以为您提供帮助
using System.Linq.Dynamic; //Import the Dynamic LINQ library
//The standard way, which requires compile-time knowledge
//of the data model
var result = myQuery
.Where(x => x.Field1 == "SomeValue")
.Select(x => new { x.Field1, x.Field2 });
//The Dynamic LINQ way, which lets you do the same thing
//without knowing the data model before hand
var result = myQuery
.Select("new (Field1, Field2)");
另一种解决方案是使用 Eval Expression.NET ,它允许您在运行时动态评估c#代码。
using (var ctx = new TestContext())
var query = ctx.Entity_Basics;
var list = Eval.Execute(@"
q.Where(x => x.ColumnInt < 10)
.Select(x => new { x.ID, x.ColumnInt })
.ToList();", new { q = query });
免责声明:我是该项目的所有者Eval Expression.NET
显然,您需要重构此方法,使其更适合您的应用程序。但正如您所看到的,您可以轻松地使用Entity Framework中的异步方法。
public async Task<List<Entity_Basic>> DynamicWhereAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
// Register async extension method from entity framework (this should be done in the global.asax or STAThread method
// Only Enumerable && Queryable extension methods exists by default
// GET your criteria
var tuples = new List<Tuple<string, object>>();
tuples.Add(new Tuple<string, object>("Specialty", "Basket Weaving"));
tuples.Add(new Tuple<string, object>("Rank", "12"));
// BUILD your where clause
var where = string.Join(" && ", tuples.Select(tuple => string.Concat("x.", tuple.Item1, " > p", tuple.Item1)));
// BUILD your parameters
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
tuples.ForEach(x => parameters.Add("p" + x.Item1, x.Item2));
using (var ctx = new TestContext())
var query = ctx.Entity_Basics;
// ADD the current query && cancellationToken as parameter
parameters.Add("q", query);
parameters.Add("token", cancellationToken);
// GET the task
var task = (Task<List<Entity_Basic>>)Eval.Execute("q.Where(x => " + where + ").ToListAsync(token)", parameters);
// AWAIT the task
var result = await task.ConfigureAwait(false);
return result;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
//example lists, a solution for populating will follow
List<string> Names = new List<string>() { "Adam", "Joe", "Bob" };
//these two deliberately left blank for demonstration purposes
List<string> Specialties = new List<string> () { };
List<string> Ranks = new List<string> () { };
using(var dbContext = new MyDbContext())
var list = dbContext.MyTable
.Where(x => (!Names.Any() || Names.Contains(x.Name)) &&
(!Specialties.Any() || Specialties.Contains(x.Specialty)) &&
(!Ranks.Any() || Ranks.Contains(x.Rank))).ToList();
DECLARE @p0 NVarChar(1000) = 'Adam'
DECLARE @p1 NVarChar(1000) = 'Joe'
DECLARE @p2 NVarChar(1000) = 'Bob'
SELECT [t0].[Name], [t0].[Specialty], [t0].[Rank]
FROM [MyTable] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[Name] IN (@p0, @p1, @p2)
foreach(var kvp in criteria)
case "Name": Names.Add(kvp.Value); break;
case "Specialty": Specialties.Add(kvp.Value); break;
case "Rank": Ranks.Add(kvp.Value); break;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Fields 0,2
答案 3 :(得分:0)
// inside a generic class.
public static IQueryable<T> GetWhere(string criteria1, string criteria2, string criteria3, string criteria4)
var t = MyExpressions<T>.DynamicWhereExp(criteria1, criteria2, criteria3, criteria4);
return db.Set<T>().Where(t);
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> DynamicWhereExp(string criteria1, string criteria2, string criteria3, string criteria4)
ParameterExpression Param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
Expression exp1 = WhereExp1(criteria1, criteria2, Param);
Expression exp2 = WhereExp1(criteria3, criteria4, Param);
var body = Expression.And(exp1, exp2);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, Param);
private static Expression WhereExp1(string field, string type, ParameterExpression param)
Expression aLeft = Expression.Property(param, typeof(T).GetProperty(field));
Expression aRight = Expression.Constant(type);
Expression typeCheck = Expression.Equal(aLeft, aRight);
return typeCheck;
// get search criterias from user
var obj = new YourClass<YourTableName>();
var result = obj.GetWhere(criteria1, criteria2, criteria3, criteria4);
这将为您提供一个强大的动态表达式,其中包含两个条件,它们之间使用AND运算符,以便在LINQ的where扩展方法中使用。现在,您可以根据自己的策略根据需要传递参数。例如在params string []或键值对列表中......无关紧要。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
继续@ Jakotheshadows的回答,但在没有要检查的情况下不要求EF输出中的所有额外检查,这更接近我们在内部所做的事情:
// Example lists, a solution for populating will follow
var Names = new List<string> { "Adam", "Joe", "Bob" };
// These two deliberately left blank for demonstration purposes
var specialties = new List<string>();
var ranks = new List<string>();
using(var dbContext = new MyDbContext())
var list = dbContext.MyTable
public class MyTable : IMyTable
// ...
public static class MyTableExtensions
public static IQueryable<TEntity> FilterMyTablesByName<TEntity>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> query, string[] names)
where TEntity : class, IMyTable
if (query == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query)); }
if (!names.Any() || names.All(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace))
return query; // Unmodified
// Modified
return query.Where(x => names.Contains(x.Name));
// Replicate per array/filter...
此外,在EF查询中使用Contains(...)或Any(...)会出现严重的性能问题。使用Predicate Builders的方法要快得多。这是一个带有ID数组的示例(这需要LinqKit nuget包):
public static IQueryable<TEntity> FilterByIDs<TEntity>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> query, int[] ids)
where TEntity : class, IBase
if (ids == null || !ids.Any(x => x > 0 && x != int.MaxValue)) { return query; }
return query.AsExpandable().Where(BuildIDsPredicate<TEntity>(ids));
private static Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> BuildIDsPredicate<TEntity>(
IEnumerable<int> ids)
where TEntity : class, IBase
return ids.Aggregate(
(c, id) => c.Or(p => p.ID == id));
输出&#34; IN&#34;查询的语法非常快:
WHERE ID IN [1,2,3,4,5]