什么是在Xcode 7的新UI自动化上模拟摇动手势的快速方法?

时间:2016-02-09 23:16:16

标签: ios swift user-interface automation ui-automation


1 个答案:

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为什么不直接调用你摇动时触发的功能(即你在tell application "Safari" activate tell (make new document) to set URL to "http://mxtoolbox.com/EmailHeaders.aspx" delay 10 tell application "System Events" set the clipboard to headerText keystroke "v" using command down tell application "Safari" do JavaScript (" document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtToolInput').value='" & headerText as text) & "'; document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnAction').click(); " in document 1 end tell end tell end tell 中调用的任何内容)?