Excel VBA从保管箱打开工作簿,然后保存/关闭当前工作簿

时间:2016-02-09 16:57:12

标签: excel vba excel-vba path dropbox


Dim myFileName As String, DTAddress As String, ans As String, DBPathEstim As String
     Dim sPath As String, stPath As String, WB1 As Workbook, WB2 As Workbook, OriginFile As String
        ' Send the workbook to clients
        myFileName = Worksheets("EstimatingSheet").Range("U11").Value & ".xls"
        sPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path

        stPathClients = Left(sPath, InStrRev(sPath, "\") - 1) & "\Clients\" & myFileName
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs stPathClients


好的我想打开一本工作簿。对于不同的用户,工作簿路径可能不同,因为我们使用dropbox。所以它总是..... \ Dropbox \ SSFiles \ Estimating 2016.xls

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

就我而言," info.json" file将路径显示为:


它使用double" \"字符。提供的article表示它应该如下所示:



Function GetDropboxPath() As String
    '* Locates the Dropbox user path by usign the local "info.json" file. ************'
    '* Wrote by cesarmades ***********************************************************'

    ' Loads the local info.json file
    Dim intFile As Integer: intFile = FreeFile
    Open VBA.Interaction.Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\AppData\Local\Dropbox\info.json" For Input As #intFile

    ' Stores info.json file content in a variable
    Dim strFileContent As String: strFileContent = Input(LOF(intFile), intFile)
    Close #intFile

    ' Trims the string and returns the path
    Dim intIPos As Integer: intIPos = VBA.Strings.InStr(1, strFileContent, """path""", vbTextCompare) + 9
    Dim intFPos As Integer: intFPos = VBA.Strings.InStr(1, strFileContent, """host""", vbTextCompare) - 3

    GetDropboxPath = VBA.Strings.Replace(Mid(strFileContent, intIPos, intFPos - intIPos), "\\", "\")
End Function