为了这个程序,我必须制作一个程序来计算一个22/21 *(r ^ 2)* h的圆锥体积。
因此,我开发的这段代码适用于任何不会导致EDX寄存器在将变量相乘后填充的变量。我无法移动寄存器或" OR"他们在一起,我也不能使用跳转或cmp语句。我还必须使用8位寄存器作为高度和宽度变量,16位用于半径^ 2和半径^ 2 *高度计算,然后用32位完成它以进行最终除法计算。看一看。我不知道为什么它会溢出到EDX而且我不知道如何纠正它...
radius WORD ? ;var for radius
height WORD ? ;var for height
numerator WORD 22 ;Making a variable for numerator
denominator DWORD 21 ;Making a variable for denominator
volume DWORD ? ;Making a variable to store volume main
decimal DWORD ? ;Making a variable to store volume remainder
prompt BYTE "Enter the radius: ",0 ;val for radius prompt
promp2 BYTE "Enter the height: ",0 ;val for height prompt
result BYTE "The volume of the cone is: ", 0 ;val for printing volume
decim BYTE ".", 0 ;val for decimal place
;volume of cone is 1/3(pi(r^2)h) or 22/21(r^2)h
main PROC
mov edx,OFFSET promp2 ;move prompt into edx for printing
call WriteString ;ask user for height
mov eax,0
mov edx,0
mov ecx,0
mov ebx,0 ;move zero into all main registers
call ReadDec ;reading the height
mov bl,al ;move height into storage
mov edx,OFFSET prompt ;move promp2 into edx for printing
mov eax,0 ;re-zero eax
call WriteString ;ask user for radius
call ReadDec
mul al ;obtain r^2
mul bl ;multiply r^2 by height
mov edx,0 ;zero out edx
mov dx,numerator ;move numerator into dx
mul dx ;multiply r^2*h by 22
mov ebx,denominator ;move 21 into ebx to divide
div ebx ;divide by 21 to get total volume
mov volume,eax ;move volume into volume variable
mov decimal,edx ;move decimal remainder into decimal variable
mov edx,OFFSET result ;prepare string result for printing
call WriteString ;print result string
mov eax,volume ;move volume into eax to print
call WriteDec ;print volume
mov edx,OFFSET decim ;move dec into print register
call WriteString ;print decimal
mov eax,decimal ;move decimal remainder into eax to print
call WriteDec ;print decimal value
call CRLF ;carriage return and new line
call WaitMsg ;pause output
main ENDP
答案 0 :(得分:0)
mul al ;obtain r^2
此mul al
注册表中。因此,您必须在下一行中使用单词乘法,否则您将丢失 r ^ 2 的部分值。
mov bh, 0
mul bx ;multiply r^2 by height
push dx
push ax
pop eax
movzx edx, numerator ;Why is this defined a word?
mul edx
div denominator
mov volume, eax ;move volume into volume variable
mov decimal, edx