在listview VB.NET中显示网络文件夹图标

时间:2016-02-09 03:56:56

标签: vb.net api listview shell32.dll


enter image description here


这是我的代码: 这是我在ListView

Dim fPath As String = Form2.TextBox1.Text
Dim di = New DirectoryInfo(fPath)

  ' store imagelist index for known/found file types
  Dim exts As New Dictionary(Of String, Int32)

  If di.Exists = True Then
      Dim img As Image
      Dim lvi As ListViewItem
      For Each d In di.EnumerateDirectories("*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
          lvi = New ListViewItem(d.Name)


          img = NativeMethods.GetShellIcon(d.FullName)
          lvi.ImageIndex = ImageList1.Images.Count - 1


Partial Public Class NativeMethods
Private Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 256
Private Const NAMESIZE As Integer = 80
Private Const SHGFI_ICON As Int32 = &H100
    Private Structure SHFILEINFO
        Public hIcon As IntPtr
        Public iIcon As Integer
        Public dwAttributes As Integer
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst:=MAX_PATH)>
        Public szDisplayName As String
        <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst:=NAMESIZE)>
        Public szTypeName As String
    End Structure
    Private Shared Function SHGetFileInfo(ByVal pszPath As String,
                                      ByVal dwFileAttributes As Integer,
                                      ByRef psfi As SHFILEINFO,
                                      ByVal cbFileInfo As Integer,
                                      ByVal uFlags As Integer) As IntPtr
    End Function
    <DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
    Private Shared Function DestroyIcon(ByVal hIcon As IntPtr) As Boolean
    End Function
    Public Shared Function GetShellIcon(ByVal path As String) As Bitmap
        Dim shfi As SHFILEINFO = New SHFILEINFO()
        Dim ret As IntPtr = SHGetFileInfo(path, 0, shfi, Marshal.SizeOf(shfi), SHGFI_ICON)
        If ret <> IntPtr.Zero Then
            Dim bmp As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(shfi.hIcon).ToBitmap
            Return bmp
            Return Nothing
        End If
    End Function
End Class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以将Shell32的图标作为小图像或大图像。正如Cody Gray在评论中指出的那样,&#34; imageres.dll&#34;中有更多图标(200+)。要通过索引获取这些内容,请将此方法添加到NativeMethods类:

<DllImport("shell32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)>
Private Shared Function ExtractIconEx(szFileName As String,
                            nIconIndex As Integer,
                            ByRef phiconLarge As IntPtr,
                            ByRef phiconSmall As IntPtr,
                            nIcons As UInteger) As UInteger
End Function

Private Shared ImgResFile As String = "imageres.dll"
Private Shared ShellFile As String = "shell32.dll"

Friend Shared Function GetShellIconByIndex(ndx As Int32,
                         largeIcon As Boolean = False,
                         Optional FromShell As Boolean = True) As Bitmap
    Dim largeIco As IntPtr
    Dim smallIco As IntPtr
    Dim thisIco As IntPtr
    Dim ico As Icon
    Dim bmp As Bitmap = Nothing

    Dim targtFile = If(FromShell, ShellFile, ImgResFile)
    ExtractIconEx(targtFile, ndx, largeIco, smallIco, 1)

        If largeIcon Then
            ico = Icon.FromHandle(largeIco)
            thisIco = largeIco
            ico = Icon.FromHandle(smallIco)
            thisIco = smallIco
        End If
        bmp = ico.ToBitmap()
    Catch ex As Exception           ' swallow exception to return nothing
        ' really stupid index values can throw ArgumentException
        ' when the result is IntPtr.Zero
        ' Rather than test it, catch it an any other(s)
    End Try

    Return bmp
End Function



For Each d In di.EnumerateDirectories("*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
    If IsNetworkFolder(d) Then
        ' get #275 as small image from Shell 
        img = NativeMethods.GetShellIconByIndex(275, False)
        If img Is Nothing Then
            ' ToDo: perhaps load a default image from Resources?
        End If
        img = NativeMethods.GetShellIcon(d.FullName)
        If img Is Nothing Then
            img = IconFromFile(d.FullName)
        End If
    End If
    '... add code 

Private Function IsNetworkFolder(di As DirectoryInfo) As Boolean
    Dim drv As New DriveInfo(di.Root.Name)
    Return (drv.DriveType = DriveType.Network)
End Function


enter image description here


'  137 is the index, false for large icon, false to use imageres instead: 
img = NativeMethods.GetShellIconByIndex(137, False, False)

如果您想在代码中避免 Magic Numbers ,请使用常量或所用图标的枚举。你可以NativeMethods类中定义它们,但这是500项,你可能不记得它们在6个月后的含义:

Private Enum ShellIcons
    NetworkFolder1 = 275
    NetworkFolder2 = 103
    SharedFolder = 158
    AddNetworkFolder = 278
End Enum
img = NativeMethods.GetShellIconByIndex(ShellIcons.NetworkFolder1, False)


Dim ndx As Int32 = 0
Dim img As Image = Nothing
Dim lvi As ListViewItem

    ' change second Bool to False to get the ones in imageres.dll
    img = NativeMethods.GetShellIconByIndex(ndx, True, True)

    If img IsNot Nothing Then
        lvi = New ListViewItem(ndx.ToString)

        lvi.ImageIndex = ImageList1.Images.Count - 1
        ndx += 1
        Exit Do
    End If
Loop Until img Is Nothing

enter image description here