Delphi IDE - 模块'rtl70.bpl'中的访问冲突

时间:2010-08-20 02:42:28

标签: delphi delphi-7

我有和老AV一起猎杀我。当我在项目之间切换(关闭当前项目并双击不同的DPR文件以加载它)或当我关闭Delphi(7)时,它会随机出现(通常但不总是)。所以它似乎每天都有,但不是那个,我可以忍受它。 然而,在过去的几天里,它开始变得非常烦人。

知道我可以从哪里开始吗? 以下是此AV的日志:

  1.2 Name/Description: delphi32.exe - (Delphi-32 Development Environment)
  1.3 Version Number  :
  1.4 Parameters      : /np
  1.6 Up Time         : 10 seconds

  2.2 Address       : 40005F50
  2.3 Module Name   : rtl70.bpl - (Borland Component Package)
  2.4 Module Version:
  2.5 Type          : EAccessViolation
  2.6 Message       : Access violation at address 40005F50 in module 'rtl70.bpl'. Read of address 04B0E854.

  5.1 Name          : Spanu
  5.2 Total Memory  : 3060 Mb
  5.3 Free Memory   : 2285 Mb
  5.4 Total Disk    : 465.75 Gb
  5.7 Processor     : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 430  @ 2.27GHz
  5.8 Display Mode  : 1680 x 945, 32 bit
  5.9 Display DPI   : 96
  5.10 Video Card   : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M (driver - RAM 1024 MB)
  5.11 Printer      : 

Operating System:
  6.1 Type    : Microsoft Windows XP
  6.2 Build # : 2600
  6.3 Update  : Service Pack 3

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module         |Unit                 |Class         |Procedure/Method             |Line|
|*Exception Thread: ID=2940; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                          |
|40005F50|rtl70.bpl      |System.pas           |TObject       |InheritsFrom                 |    |
|7C903247|ntdll.dll      |                     |              |RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger|    |
|7C90E485|ntdll.dll      |                     |              |KiUserApcDispatcher          |    |
|7C910451|ntdll.dll      |                     |              |RtlReleasePebLock            |    |
|77F643DB|SHLWAPI.dll    |                     |              |SHRegGetValueW               |    |
|77F643E8|SHLWAPI.dll    |                     |              |SHRegGetValueW               |    |
|40005F48|rtl70.bpl      |System.pas           |              |_FindDynaClass               |    |
|4002E5F1|rtl70.bpl      |Classes.pas          |              |ActivateClassGroup           |    |
|4002E5C0|rtl70.bpl      |Classes.pas          |              |ActivateClassGroup           |    |
|0036224B|designide70.bpl|Componentdesigner.pas|TComponentRoot|CreateFromStream             |    |
|003621BC|designide70.bpl|Componentdesigner.pas|TComponentRoot|CreateFromStream             |    |
|0036544C|designide70.bpl|Componentdesigner.pas|TComponentRoot|Resurrect                    |    |
|00551378|coreide70.bpl  |Modules.pas          |TUnitModule   |Show                         |    |
|00512D3C|coreide70.bpl  |Docmodul.pas         |TFilterList   |OpenFile                     |    |
|00512C9C|coreide70.bpl  |Docmodul.pas         |TFilterList   |OpenFile                     |    |
|005145E7|coreide70.bpl  |Docmodul.pas         |              |CallDefaultOpenProc          |    |
|005145BC|coreide70.bpl  |Docmodul.pas         |              |CallDefaultOpenProc          |    |
|00831A98|vcl70.bpl      |Controls.pas         |TControl      |WndProc                      |    |
|00856D3C|vcl70.bpl      |Forms.pas            |TApplication  |DispatchAction               |    |
|00831910|vcl70.bpl      |Controls.pas         |TControl      |WndProc                      |    |
|00834B40|vcl70.bpl      |Controls.pas         |TWinControl   |WndProc                      |    |
|00834914|vcl70.bpl      |Controls.pas         |TWinControl   |MainWndProc                  |    |
|400469B4|rtl70.bpl      |Contnrs.pas          |TObjectList   |First                        |    |
|40046B72|rtl70.bpl      |Contnrs.pas          |TComponentList|GetItems                     |    |
|4002F684|rtl70.bpl      |Classes.pas          |TList         |IndexOf                      |    |
|400469C8|rtl70.bpl      |Contnrs.pas          |TObjectList   |IndexOf                      |    |
|7E4196C2|user32.dll     |                     |              |DispatchMessageA             |    |
|7E4196B8|user32.dll     |                     |              |DispatchMessageA             |    |
|00855608|vcl70.bpl      |Forms.pas            |TApplication  |ProcessMessage               |    |
|008556C2|vcl70.bpl      |Forms.pas            |TApplication  |HandleMessage                |    |
|008556B8|vcl70.bpl      |Forms.pas            |TApplication  |ProcessMessages              |    |
|0085585C|vcl70.bpl      |Forms.pas            |TApplication  |Run                          |    |
|7C90DCB8|ntdll.dll      |                     |              |ZwSetInformationThread       |    |

Modules Information:
|Handle  |Name                           |Description                                                                   |Version         |Size    |Modified           |Path                                                                                                |
|00340000|designide70.bpl                |Borland IDE Designer Package                                                  |         |625664  |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|003E0000|BRCIDE.DLL                     |RC Compiler Interface                                                         |       |78848   |2002-08-20 08:38:52|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|00400000|delphi32.exe                   |Delphi-32 Development Environment                                             |         |545792  |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|00490000|coreide70.bpl                  |Core Integrated Development Environment                                       |         |3186688 |2010-04-28 06:46:56|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|007B0000|vcl70.bpl                      |Borland Component Package                                                     |         |1383936 |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|00910000|vclactnband70.bpl              |Borland Component Package                                                     |       |276480  |2002-08-20 08:40:28|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|00960000|vclide70.bpl                   |Integrated Development Environment Specific Components                        |       |708608  |2002-08-20 08:38:56|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|00A20000|tlib70.bpl                     |Borland Type Library Exporter                                                 |         |486912  |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|00AA0000|dcc70.dll                      |                                                                              |         |843264  |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|00BF0000|delphide70.bpl                 |Core Delphi Integrated Development Environment                                |       |473088  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|00CF0000|ad4IDESpellToold7.bpl          |                                                                              |         |39424   |2009-01-22 06:43:34|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|00D20000|borlndmm.dll                   |Borland Memory Manager                                                        |       |22528   |2002-08-20 08:38:52|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|01DA0000|iTchHk.dll                     |iTouch Hook Library                                                           |         |4608    |2002-11-22 23:15:00|C:\Program Files\Logitech\iTouch                                                                    |
|02000000|stride70.bpl                   |String Resource Editor IDE Package                                            |       |93696   |2002-08-20 08:38:56|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|02020000|proide70.bpl                   |Core Professional Integrated Development Environment                          |       |848896  |2002-08-20 08:38:56|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|02100000|delphipro70.bpl                |Delphi Professional Integrated Development Environment                        |       |357376  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|02160000|designdgm70.bpl                |Borland IDE Diagram Package                                                   |       |424960  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|021D0000|direct70.bpl                   |Developer Direct News Module                                                  |       |105984  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|021F0000|Normaliz.dll                   |Unicode Normalization DLL                                                     |6.0.5441.0      |23552   |2009-01-07 18:20:36|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                         |       |167424  |2002-08-20 08:38:56|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|02480000|htmlide70.bpl                  |HTML Integrated Development Environment Package                               |       |178688  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|024B0000|webdsnap70.bpl                 |Borland Web Midas Components                                                  |       |268288  |2002-08-20 08:40:30|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|02500000|dbrtl70.bpl                    |Borland Database Component Package                                            |         |258560  |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|02550000|inetdb70.bpl                   |Borland Internet DB Component Package                                         |       |37888   |2002-08-20 08:40:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|02560000|PDIFac70.bpl                   |                                                                              |         |22528   |2003-12-30 06:06:00|c:\PROGRAM FILES\BORLAND\DELPHI7\Bin                                                                |
|025B0000|DFWEDIT.DLL                    |                                                                              |                |99872   |2002-08-20 08:38:54|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|02C50000|DelphiSpeedUp7.dll             |                                                                              |         |115712  |2009-11-30 16:27:22|C:\Documents and Settings\olai\Application Data\DelphiSpeedUp                                       |
|02C80000|GExpertsD7.dll                 |GExperts for Delphi 7                                                         |         |2280960 |2007-09-08 23:02:02|c:\Program Files\Borland\Tools\GExperts                                                             |
|03560000|vcldb70.bpl                    |Borland Database Component Package                                            |         |264704  |2004-04-23 07:01:00|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|035B0000|dclstd70.bpl                   |Borland Standard Components                                                   |       |311808  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|03600000|dclemacsedit70.bpl             |Borland EMACS Keybindings Example Package                                     |       |42496   |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|03610000|dclmlwiz70.bpl                 |IDE Wizards for Markup Languages                                              |       |32256   |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|03620000|dclshlctrls70.bpl              |Borland Win32 Shell Controls                                                  |         |32256   |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|03630000|vclshlctrls70.bpl              |Borland Win32 Shell Controls                                                  |         |90624   |2002-08-20 08:40:28|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|03650000|bdertl70.bpl                   |Borland BDE DB Component Package                                              |       |222208  |2002-08-20 08:40:22|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                |                                                                              |         |423936  |2002-08-20 08:40:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|03760000|IntrawebDB_50_70.bpl           |                                                                              |         |92672   |2002-08-20 08:40:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|03840000|DragDropD7.bpl                 |                                                                              |                |292352  |2010-06-14 22:25:36|c:\MyProjects\Packages\DragDrop\Library\Delphi 7                                                    |
|038C0000|CommonPackages_D7.bpl          |                                                                              |      |605696  |2010-08-19 18:34:08|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|039E0000|ExceptionExpert7.bpl           |                                                                              |         |1346560 |2010-02-25 16:38:46|c:\Program Files\Borland\Tools\EurekaLog\Delphi7                                                    |
|04050000|BorDebug.dll                   |Borland debugger dll                                                          |       |89088   |2008-02-05 14:13:20|c:\Program Files\Borland\Tools\EurekaLog                                                            |
|04070000|GR32_D7.bpl                    |                                                                              |         |374784  |2010-05-08 04:19:34|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|04100000|GR32_DSGN_D7.bpl               |                                                                              |         |69632   |2010-05-08 04:19:34|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|04120000|dclmcn70.bpl                   |Borland Midas Components                                                      |       |54272   |2002-08-09 06:00:00|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|04140000|DCLIB70.bpl                    |Interbase Express Design Package                                              |       |181248  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|04180000|soaprtl70.bpl                  |Borland SOAP Runtime Support                                                  |       |528384  |2002-08-20 08:40:26|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|04210000|dbx70.bpl                      |Borland Database Explorer UI & engine package                                 |       |611328  |2002-08-20 08:38:52|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|042C0000|OverbyteIcsDel70.bpl           |                                                                              |         |1003008 |2009-05-03 10:02:06|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|043D0000|XmlComponents_D6_D7.bpl        |                                                                              |                |49664   |2009-09-20 05:25:24|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|043F0000|EmbeddedWebBrowser_D7.bpl      |                                                                              |                |2155520 |2010-02-07 04:42:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|04690000|teedb70.bpl                    |Borland TeeChart DB Component Package                                         |       |43520   |2002-08-20 08:40:26|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|057E0000|Amhooker.dll                   |Amhooker                                                                      |        |36864   |2007-02-10 13:17:28|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|06740000|RLINK32.DLL                    |                                                                              |       |59904   |2002-08-20 08:38:56|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|10000000|PowerMenuHook.dll                                                        |
|40A40000|tee70.bpl                      |Borland TeeChart Component Package                                            |       |371712  |2002-08-20 08:40:26|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|40AA0000|teeui70.bpl                    |Borland TeeChart UI Package                                                   |       |254976  |2002-08-20 08:40:26|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|40BB0000|inetdbbde70.bpl                |Borland Internet DB BDE Component Package                                     |       |16384   |2002-08-20 08:40:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|40BC0000|inetdbxpress70.bpl             |Borland Internet DBxpress Component Package                                   |       |16384   |2002-08-20 08:40:24|C:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|48000000|Jcl70.bpl                      |JEDI Code Library RTL package                                                 |      |2392064 |2010-06-20 11:28:00|C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|48400000|JclVcl70.bpl                   |JEDI Code Library VCL package                                                 |      |173056                                                    |
|503B0000|dclwbm70.bpl                   |Borland Web Midas Components Designers                                        |       |167936  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|503E0000|dclie70.bpl                    |Delphi-32 Development Environment                                             |       |15872   |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|503F0000|dclwebsnap70.bpl               |Borland WebSnap Design Package                                                |         |298496  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|50440000|dclocx70.bpl                   |Borland Sample Imported ActiveX Controls                                      |       |162816  |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|50550000|dclsmp70.bpl                   |Delphi Sample Components                                                      |       |17920   |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |
|508B0000|dclofficexp70.bpl              |Borland Sample ActiveX Server Components                                      |       |2512896 |2002-08-20 08:38:54|c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin                                                                |

|038A0000|JclDebugExpert70.bpl           |JCL Debug IDE extension                                                       |      |78336   |2010-06-20 11:28:02|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|58000000|JclBaseExpert70.bpl            |JCL Package containing common units for JCL Experts                           |      |123392  |2010-06-20 11:28:00|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|58040000|JclFavoriteFoldersExpert70.bpl |JCL Open and Save IDE dialogs with favorite folders                           |      |27136   |2010-06-20 11:28:02|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|58060000|JclProjectAnalysisExpert70.bpl |JCL Project Analyzer                                                          |      |69120   |2010-06-20 11:28:02|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|58080000|JclSIMDViewExpert70.bpl        |JCL Debug Window of XMM registers                                             |      |101376  |2010-06-20 11:28:04|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|580C0000|JclUsesExpert70.bpl            |JCL Uses Wizard                                                               |      |68608   |2010-06-20 11:28:02|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|58100000|JclRepositoryExpert70.bpl      |JCL Package containing repository wizards                                     |      |97280   |2010-06-20 11:28:02|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl                                                       |
|58120000|JclStackTraceViewerExpert70.bpl|JCL Stack Trace Viewer                                                        |      |122880  |2010-06-20 11:28:04|c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assembler Information:
; System.TObject.InheritsFrom 
; ----------------------------
40005F4A  mov     eax, [eax]
40005F4C  cmp     eax, edx
40005F4E  jz      System.TObject.InheritsFrom
40005F50  mov     eax, [eax-$24]               ; <-- EXCEPTION
40005F53  test    eax, eax
40005F55  jnz     System.TObject.InheritsFrom
40005F57  ret

EAX: ????       EDI: ????    
EBX: ????       ESI: ????    
ECX: ????       ESP: ????    
EDX: ????       EIP: ????    

Stack:               Memory Dump:
------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0013F69C: 0013FE00   40005F50: 8B 40 DC 85 C0 75 F3 C3 B0 01 C3 90 51 83 C0 C4  .@...u......Q...
0013F6A0: 03A54D66   40005F60: 8B 00 89 04 24 8B 04 24 5A C3 8B C0 B8 FF FF 00  ....$..$Z.......
0013F6A4: 0013F6C8   40005F70: 80 C3 8B C0 C3 8D 40 00 C3 8D 40 00 C3 8D 40 00  ......@...@...@.
0013F6A8: 01D49A78   40005F80: 56 66 8B 32 66 09 F6 74 17 66 81 FE 00 C0 73 10  Vf.2f..t.f....s.
0013F6AC: 01C91560   40005F90: 50 8B 00 E8 08 F6 C4 C2 58 74 05 89 F1 5E FF E1  P.......Xt...^..
0013F6B0: 00000000   40005FA0: 5E 8B 08 FF 61 F0 C3 90 53 56 57 31 C9 31 FF 8A  ^...a...SVW1.1..
0013F6B4: 00000000   40005FB0: 1A EB 02 8B 00 8B 70 CC 85 F6 74 15 66 8B 3E 83  ......p...t.f.>.
0013F6B8: 00000000   40005FC0: C6 02 8A 4E 06 38 D9 74 15 66 8B 0E 01 CE 4F 75  ...N.8.t.f....Ou
0013F6BC: 00000000   40005FD0: F1 8B 40 DC 85 C0 75 DB EB 18 8A 1A EB EB B5 00  ..@...u.........
0013F6C0: 00000000   40005FE0: 8A 5C 31 06 32 1C 11 80 E3 DF 75 EE 49 75 F1 8B  .\1.2.....u.Iu..
0013F6C4: 00000000   40005FF0: 46 02 5F 5E 5B C3 8B C0 53 56 57 89 CF 31 DB 31  F._^[...SVW..1.1
0013F6C8: 0013FE1C   40006000: C9 EB 02 8B 00 8B 70 CC 85 F6 74 13 66 8B 0E 83  ......p...t.f...
0013F6CC: 008559C3   40006010: C6 02 3B 56 02 74 13 66 8B 1E 01 DE 49 75 F3 8B  ..;V.t.f....Iu..
0013F6D0: 00000000   40006020: 40 DC 85 C0 75 DD 88 07 EB 0A 83 C6 06 31 C9 8A  @...u........1..
0013F6D4: 00834945   40006030: 0E 41 F3 A4 5F 5E 5B C3 53 56 57 31 C9 31 FF 8A  .A.._^[.SVW1.1..
0013F6D8: 00834954   40006040: 1A 50 8B 00 8B 70 C8 85 F6 74 14 66 8B 3E 83 C6  .P...p...t.f.>..

编辑: StackOverflow不允许我在这里粘贴整个日志,因此不会显示所有加载的库。 任何人都可以从“调用堆栈”部分了解任何内容。通常它指向问题的确切位置,但现在它并没有真正说明任何具体的问题。

编辑: 我卸载了所有(我真的是指ALL)专家和来自IDE的外部程序,我仍然拥有AV。现在它出现在不同的上下文中,更确切地说,当我将鼠标移到变量上方并弹出工具提示(代码洞察)时。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我发现了问题: 在一个控件中,我释放了(在Destroy上)一个像这样创建的对象:

MyFoultyControl:= Create(AOwner);
MyFoultyControl.Parent:= ACowner;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

你安装了CnPack吗?还是另一个Delphi IDE增强器?

当我安装CnPack时,我的问题就开始了(否则这是一个很棒的产品 - 如果没有它就无法工作)。


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我在安装Glary Utilities后开始看到这个错误。这是我使用Borland Delphi 7.0的唯一程序。 (rtl70.bpl)。不确定为什么他们在浏览器中右键单击鼠标右键(可能是他们向NSA或Billy发送信息)但是它无法获得上下文菜单(以“复制为路径”)。 Glary Utils崩溃后,右键单击功能恢复正常。