我正在使用Corona和Lua脚本。 基本上我想用双触点缩放和旋转“大于屏幕”的图像 请帮助:)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
-- one more thing
-- turn on multitouch
-- which environment are we running on?
local isDevice = (system.getInfo("environment") == "device")
-- returns the distance between points a and b
function lengthOf( a, b )
local width, height = b.x-a.x, b.y-a.y
return (width*width + height*height)^0.5
-- returns the degrees between (0,0) and pt
-- note: 0 degrees is 'east'
function angleOfPoint( pt )
local x, y = pt.x, pt.y
local radian = math.atan2(y,x)
local angle = radian*180/math.pi
if angle < 0 then angle = 360 + angle end
return angle
-- returns the degrees between two points
-- note: 0 degrees is 'east'
function angleBetweenPoints( a, b )
local x, y = b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y
return angleOfPoint( { x=x, y=y } )
-- returns the smallest angle between the two angles
-- ie: the difference between the two angles via the shortest distance
function smallestAngleDiff( target, source )
local a = target - source
if (a > 180) then
a = a - 360
elseif (a < -180) then
a = a + 360
return a
-- rotates a point around the (0,0) point by degrees
-- returns new point object
function rotatePoint( point, degrees )
local x, y = point.x, point.y
local theta = math.rad( degrees )
local pt = {
x = x * math.cos(theta) - y * math.sin(theta),
y = x * math.sin(theta) + y * math.cos(theta)
return pt
-- rotates point around the centre by degrees
-- rounds the returned coordinates using math.round() if round == true
-- returns new coordinates object
function rotateAboutPoint( point, centre, degrees, round )
local pt = { x=point.x - centre.x, y=point.y - centre.y }
pt = rotatePoint( pt, degrees )
pt.x, pt.y = pt.x + centre.x, pt.y + centre.y
if (round) then
pt.x = math.round(pt.x)
pt.y = math.round(pt.y)
return pt
-- calculates the average centre of a list of points
local function calcAvgCentre( points )
local x, y = 0, 0
for i=1, #points do
local pt = points[i]
x = x + pt.x
y = y + pt.y
return { x = x / #points, y = y / #points }
-- calculate each tracking dot's distance and angle from the midpoint
local function updateTracking( centre, points )
for i=1, #points do
local point = points[i]
point.prevAngle = point.angle
point.prevDistance = point.distance
point.angle = angleBetweenPoints( centre, point )
point.distance = lengthOf( centre, point )
-- calculates rotation amount based on the average change in tracking point rotation
local function calcAverageRotation( points )
local total = 0
for i=1, #points do
local point = points[i]
total = total + smallestAngleDiff( point.angle, point.prevAngle )
return total / #points
-- calculates scaling amount based on the average change in tracking point distances
local function calcAverageScaling( points )
local total = 0
for i=1, #points do
local point = points[i]
total = total + point.distance / point.prevDistance
return total / #points
-- creates an object to be moved
function newTrackDot(e)
-- create a user interface object
local circle = display.newCircle( e.x, e.y, 50 )
-- make it less imposing
circle.alpha = .5
-- keep reference to the rectangle
local rect = e.target
-- standard multi-touch event listener
function circle:touch(e)
-- get the object which received the touch event
local target = circle
-- store the parent object in the event
e.parent = rect
-- handle each phase of the touch event life cycle...
if (e.phase == "began") then
-- tell corona that following touches come to this display object
display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(target, e.id)
-- remember that this object has the focus
target.hasFocus = true
-- indicate the event was handled
return true
elseif (target.hasFocus) then
-- this object is handling touches
if (e.phase == "moved") then
-- move the display object with the touch (or whatever)
target.x, target.y = e.x, e.y
else -- "ended" and "cancelled" phases
-- stop being responsible for touches
display.getCurrentStage():setFocus(target, nil)
-- remember this object no longer has the focus
target.hasFocus = false
-- send the event parameter to the rect object
-- indicate that we handled the touch and not to propagate it
return true
-- if the target is not responsible for this touch event return false
return false
-- listen for touches starting on the touch layer
-- listen for a tap when running in the simulator
function circle:tap(e)
if (e.numTaps == 2) then
-- set the parent
e.parent = rect
-- call touch to remove the tracking dot
return true
-- only attach tap listener in the simulator
if (not isDevice) then
-- pass the began phase to the tracking dot
-- return the object for use
return circle
-- spawning tracking dots
-- create display group to listen for new touches
local group = display.newGroup()
-- populate display group with objects
local rect = display.newRect( group, 200, 200, 200, 100 )
rect = display.newRect( group, 300, 300, 200, 100 )
rect = display.newRect( group, 100, 400, 200, 100 )
-- keep a list of the tracking dots
group.dots = {}
-- advanced multi-touch event listener
function touch(self, e)
-- get the object which received the touch event
local target = e.target
-- get reference to self object
local rect = self
-- handle began phase of the touch event life cycle...
if (e.phase == "began") then
print( e.phase, e.x, e.y )
-- create a tracking dot
local dot = newTrackDot(e)
-- add the new dot to the list
rect.dots[ #rect.dots+1 ] = dot
-- pre-store the average centre position of all touch points
rect.prevCentre = calcAvgCentre( rect.dots )
-- pre-store the tracking dot scale and rotation values
updateTracking( rect.prevCentre, rect.dots )
-- we handled the began phase
return true
elseif (e.parent == rect) then
if (e.phase == "moved") then
print( e.phase, e.x, e.y )
-- declare working variables
local centre, scale, rotate = {}, 1, 0
-- calculate the average centre position of all touch points
centre = calcAvgCentre( rect.dots )
-- refresh tracking dot scale and rotation values
updateTracking( rect.prevCentre, rect.dots )
-- if there is more than one tracking dot, calculate the rotation and scaling
if (#rect.dots > 1) then
-- calculate the average rotation of the tracking dots
rotate = calcAverageRotation( rect.dots )
-- calculate the average scaling of the tracking dots
scale = calcAverageScaling( rect.dots )
-- apply rotation to rect
rect.rotation = rect.rotation + rotate
-- apply scaling to rect
rect.xScale, rect.yScale = rect.xScale * scale, rect.yScale * scale
-- declare working point for the rect location
local pt = {}
-- translation relative to centre point move
pt.x = rect.x + (centre.x - rect.prevCentre.x)
pt.y = rect.y + (centre.y - rect.prevCentre.y)
-- scale around the average centre of the pinch
-- (centre of the tracking dots, not the rect centre)
pt.x = centre.x + ((pt.x - centre.x) * scale)
pt.y = centre.y + ((pt.y - centre.y) * scale)
-- rotate the rect centre around the pinch centre
-- (same rotation as the rect is rotated!)
pt = rotateAboutPoint( pt, centre, rotate, false )
-- apply pinch translation, scaling and rotation to the rect centre
rect.x, rect.y = pt.x, pt.y
-- store the centre of all touch points
rect.prevCentre = centre
else -- "ended" and "cancelled" phases
print( e.phase, e.x, e.y )
-- remove the tracking dot from the list
if (isDevice or e.numTaps == 2) then
-- get index of dot to be removed
local index = table.indexOf( rect.dots, e.target )
-- remove dot from list
table.remove( rect.dots, index )
-- remove tracking dot from the screen
-- store the new centre of all touch points
rect.prevCentre = calcAvgCentre( rect.dots )
-- refresh tracking dot scale and rotation values
updateTracking( rect.prevCentre, rect.dots )
return true
-- if the target is not responsible for this touch event return false
return false
-- attach pinch zoom touch listener
group.touch = touch
-- listen for touches starting on the touch object
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Google搜索&#34; corona sdk zoom&#34;:implementing pinch zoom rotate