
时间:2016-02-08 02:38:39

标签: java data-structures linked-list

我试图实现一个打印链表内容的方法 以下是我使用的类的解释:

1)import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Hangman { public static void main(String[] args) { String playAgainMsg = "Would you like to play again?"; String pickCategoryMsg = "You've tried all the words in this category!\nWould you like to choose another category?"; int winCounter = 0, loseCounter = 0, score = 0; String[] words; int attempts = 0; String wordToGuess; boolean playCategory = true, playGame = true; int totalCounter = 0, counter; while (playCategory && playGame) { while (playCategory && playGame) { words = getWords(); counter = 0; while (playGame && counter < words.length) { wordToGuess = words[counter++]; if (playHangman(wordToGuess)) { winCounter++; System.out.println("You win! You have won " + winCounter + " game(s)." + " You have lost " + loseCounter + " game(s)."); } else { loseCounter++; System.out.println("You lose! You have lost " + loseCounter + " game(s)." + " You have won " + winCounter + " game(s)."); } if (counter < words.length) playGame = askYesNoQuestion(playAgainMsg); } if (playGame) playCategory = askYesNoQuestion(pickCategoryMsg); } } } public static boolean playHangman(String wordToGuess) { String[] computerWord = new String[wordToGuess.length()]; String[] wordWithDashes = new String[wordToGuess.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < computerWord.length; i++) { computerWord[i] = wordToGuess.substring(i, i+1); wordWithDashes[i] = "_"; } Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); int attempts = 0, maxAttempts = 7; boolean won = false; int points = 0; while (attempts < maxAttempts && !won) { String displayWord = ""; for (String s : wordWithDashes) displayWord += " " + s; System.out.println("\nWord is:" + displayWord); System.out.print("\nEnter a letter or guess the whole word: "); String guess = in.nextLine().toLowerCase(); if (guess.length() > 1 && guess.equals(wordToGuess)) { won = true; } else if (wordToGuess.indexOf(guess) != -1) { boolean dashes = false; for (int i = 0; i < computerWord.length; i++) { if (computerWord[i].equals(guess)) wordWithDashes[i] = guess; else if (wordWithDashes[i].equals("_")) dashes = true; } won = !dashes; // If there are no dashes left, the whole word has been guessed } else { drawHangmanDiagram(attempts); System.out.println("You've used " + ++attempts + " out of " + maxAttempts + " attempts."); } } int score = 0; score = scoreGame(attempts); System.out.println("Your score is: " + score); return won; } //should take in a failure int from the main method that increments after every failed attempt public static void drawHangmanDiagram(int failure) { if (failure == 0) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); else if (failure == 1) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t| @\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); else if (failure == 2) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t| @\n\t| /\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); else if (failure == 3) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t| @\n\t| / \\\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); else if (failure == 4) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t| @\n\t| /|\\\n\t| |\n\t|\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); else if (failure == 5) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t| @\n\t| /|\\\n\t| |\n\t| /\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); else if (failure == 6) System.out.println("\t+--+\n\t| |\n\t| @\n\t| /|\\\n\t| |\n\t| / \\\n\t|\n\t|\n\t+--"); } // Asks user a yes/no question, ensures valid input public static boolean askYesNoQuestion(String message) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); boolean validAnswer = false; String answer; do { System.out.println(message + " (Y/N)"); answer = in.nextLine().toLowerCase(); if (answer.matches("[yn]")) validAnswer = true; else System.out.println("Invalid input! Enter 'Y' or 'N'."); } while (!validAnswer); return answer.equals("y"); } public static boolean askForCategory(int category) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); boolean validAnswer = false; String answer; do { System.out.println("\nWould you like to play again? (Y/N)"); answer = in.nextLine().toLowerCase(); if (answer.matches("[yn]")) validAnswer = true; else System.out.println("Invalid input! Enter 'Y' or 'N'."); } while (!validAnswer); return answer.equals("y"); } // Asks the user to pick a category public static String[] getWords() { String[] programming = {"java", "pascal", "python", "javascript", "fortran", "cobol"}; String[] sports = {"gymnastics", "badminton", "athletics", "soccer", "curling", "snooker", "hurling", "gaelic", "football", "darts"}; String[] result = {""}; Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); boolean validAnswer = false; String answer; do { System.out.println("Pick a category:\n1. Programming\n2. Sports"); answer = in.nextLine().toLowerCase(); if (answer.matches("[1-2]")) validAnswer = true; else System.out.println("Invalid input! Enter the number of the category you want."); } while (!validAnswer); int selection = Integer.parseInt(answer); switch (selection) { case 1: result = randomOrder(programming); break; case 2: result = randomOrder(sports); break; } return result; } // Sorts a String array in random order public static String[] randomOrder(String[] array) { int[] order = uniqueRandoms(array.length); String[] result = new String[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { result[i] = array[order[i]]; } return result; } // Generates an array of n random numbers from 0 to n-1 public static int[] uniqueRandoms(int n) { int[] array = new int[n]; int random, duplicateIndex; for (int i = 0; i < n; ) { random = (int) (Math.random() * n); array[i] = random; for (duplicateIndex = 0; array[duplicateIndex] != random; duplicateIndex++); if (duplicateIndex == i) i++; } return array; } public static int scoreGame(int attempts) { int score = 0; switch (attempts) { case 0: score = 70; break; case 1: score = 60; break; case 2: score = 50; break; case 3: score = 40; break; case 4: score = 30; break; case 5: score = 20; break; case 6: score = 10; break; case 7: score = 0; break; } return score; } } NonEmptyListNode继承EmptyListNode 2)尾随节点用AbstractListNode表示。


1)我可以在没有instanceof关键字的情况下实现toString()吗? 2)我能以递归方式实现toString()吗?



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


iter instanceof NonemptyListNode



