我在删除notepad ++中的一些随机数时遇到了问题 这对我来说很难 你可以帮我删除一些号码 喜欢这里
label {
/* irrelevant, and merely for aesthetics: */
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 3em;
height: 2em;
background-color: #999;
color: #fff;
font-weight: 900;
border-radius: 0.5em;
padding: 0.25em;
/* the :checked pseudo-class allows us to select
the selected/'checked' input, and the adjacent
sibling combinator ('+') traverses from the
checked input to the adjacent label element: */
input:checked + label {
background-color: limegreen;
/* visually moving the inputs of 'type=radio' (using
a CSS attribute-selector) off the page, so it's
not visible to the user; choose any suitably large
value according to your preference: */
input[type=radio] {
position: absolute;
left: -10000px;
/* hiding all span elements with a 'data-units'
attribute: */
span[data-units] {
display: none;
/* if the element with the id of 'us' is checked
we traverse to the later paragraph siblings
(using the general-sibling combinator ('~')
and from those paragraphs we find the descendant
span elements with a data-unit attribute-value of
'US' and display them as 'inline-block': */
#us:checked ~ p span[data-units=US] {
display: inline-block;
/* as above, but we use the id of 'eu' to ultimately
find the spans with the data-attribute of 'EU': */
#eu:checked ~ p span[data-units=EU] {
display: inline-block;
/* this selects the spans with the data-units attribute
and creates some generated content to show the sizing
(in case the selected sizing is off-screen, perhaps;
here we generate the string of ' (US)' or ' (EU)'
although the US and EU can be replaced by whatever is held
in the data-units attribute: */
span[data-units]::after {
content: ' (' attr(data-units)')';
color: #999;
font-size: smaller;
<!-- the input here precedes the associated label (note the shared
id of the input and the 'for' of the label) in order to allow
the label to have a 'selected' state; the inputs also precede
the paragraph containing the elements to toggle, in order for
the CSS cascade to work -->
<input id="us" type="radio" name="sizing" checked />
<label for="us">US</label>
<input id="eu" type="radio" name="sizing" />
<label for="eu">EU</label>
<p>This is the start of the article and this shoe is only available in <span data-units="US">11.5</span> <span data-units="EU">45</span>.</p>
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