我正在努力将WIP PHP应用程序转换为面向对象的体系结构,因为我发现对于我当前的项目,良好的OOP实践可能会使它变得更容易。在重构我的代码时,我遇到了一个有点基本的问题,但唉,我不确定答案。
我有一段代码(又称“代码片段”)代码 - 第一个代码示例的“GenerateDBSetObjects()”函数中包含的代码 - 我觉得应该放入一个函数中(即有点像一个子程序),如第一个样本中所述。我想把它放到一个单独的功能块中有两个原因:
但是,这会产生问题。因为我的程序实际上有两个大的范围变量,所以我需要一次返回两个值(这没什么大不了的,因为它是一个常见的主题:see this)。我的问题是:由于我是以面向对象的方式重构我的代码,可能有更有效的方法来做到这一点吗?也许我还没考虑过?或者只是简单地传递并返回变量?
因为$ NumDBSets和$ DBSets []基本上是全球范围的,所以不确定我应该在这里做什么。
//-------------------------Primary Vars---------------------------------------//
//Fills $ini with a multi-dimensional, associative array that contains all of the
// parameters listed in DBSearchConfig.ini
$ini = (parse_ini_file("config/DBSearchConfig.ini", true))
or die ("Config file: 'DBSearchCongif.ini' could not be read or found in the config folder. Please contact the system administrator");
$LogFile = $ini['SystemVars']['LogFile']; //Assign $LogFile to the location of the system's specific log file found in the .ini
$NumDBSets = 0;//An integer which stores the number of Database sets used by the program.
$DBSets = array(); //Creates an empty array that will store each of the DatabaseSet Objects. Each of the
//Database Sets holds an array of SQL database connection parameters (ie.
//Hostname, Username, etc.), as well as an array of links to the SQL databases within the dataset, et. al.
//For more info see 'DatabaseSet.php'
$CurrDBSetNum = $ini['SystemVars']['DefaultDBSet']; //Get the current DBSet Number from config.
$CurrentConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager;
GenerateDBSetObjects($DBSets, $NumDBSets);
function GenerateDBSetObjects(){
//Create, Fill and Assign DatabaseSet Objects. Figure out the number of Database sets.
array_push($DBSets, new DatabaseSet);//Push an empty DatabaseSet object into the list to occupy the '0' index!!!
foreach($ini['Databases'] as $ConnectInfoList){
$NumDBSets ++;
//Create a new DatabaseSet Object for this DB Set!!
$newDBSetObject = new DatabaseSet;
$newDBSetObject->ConnectionInfoList = $ConnectInfoList;
array_push($DBSets, $newDBSetObject);
//-------------------------Primary Vars---------------------------------------//
//Fills $ini with a multi-dimensional, associative array that contains all of the
// parameters listed in DBSearchConfig.ini
$ini = (parse_ini_file("config/DBSearchConfig.ini", true))
or die ("Config file: 'DBSearchCongif.ini' could not be read or found in the config folder. Please contact the system administrator");
$LogFile = $ini['SystemVars']['LogFile']; //Assign $LogFile to the location of the system's specific log file found in the .ini
$NumDBSets = 0;//An integer which stores the number of Database sets used by the program.
$DBSets = array(); //Creates an empty array that will store each of the DatabaseSet Objects. Each of the
//Database Sets holds an array of SQL database connection parameters (ie.
//Hostname, Username, etc.), as well as an array of links to the SQL databases within the dataset, et. al.
//For more info see 'DatabaseSet.php'
$CurrDBSetNum = $ini['SystemVars']['DefaultDBSet']; //Get the current DBSet Number from config.
$CurrentConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager;
//Create, Fill and Assign DatabaseSet Objects. Figure out the number of Database sets.
array_push($DBSets, new DatabaseSet);//Push an empty DatabaseSet object into the list to occupy the '0' index!!!
foreach($ini['Databases'] as $ConnectInfoList){
$NumDBSets ++;
//Create a new DatabaseSet Object for this DB Set!!
$newDBSetObject = new DatabaseSet;
$newDBSetObject->ConnectionInfoList = $ConnectInfoList;
array_push($DBSets, $newDBSetObject);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
如果您决定采用OOP方法 - 考虑创建一个负责生成和存储DatabaseSet
class DatabaseSetAdapter
private $config;
private $logFile;
private $NumDBSets = 0;
private $DBSets = [];
private $connManager;
private $currDBSetNum;
public function __construct($iniFilePath, ConnectionManager $manager)
$this->config = (parse_ini_file($iniFilePath, true))
or die ("Config file: 'DBSearchCongif.ini' could not be read or found in the config folder. Please contact the system administrator");
$this->logFile = $this->config['SystemVars']['LogFile'];
$this->connManager = $manager;
$this->currDBSetNum = $this->config['SystemVars']['DefaultDBSet'];
public function generateDBSetObjects()
//Create, Fill and Assign DatabaseSet Objects. Figure out the number of Database sets.
$this->DBSets[] = new DatabaseSet; //Push an empty DatabaseSet object into the list to occupy the '0' index!!!
foreach($this->config['Databases'] as $connectInfoList){
//Create a new DatabaseSet Object for this DB Set!!
$newDBSetObject = new DatabaseSet;
$newDBSetObject->ConnectionInfoList = $connectInfoList;
$this->DBSets[] = $newDBSetObject;
public function getNumDBSets() // a privileged method
return $this->NumDBSets;
// using of DatabaseSetAdapter:
$dbsetAdapter = new DatabaseSetAdapter("config/DBSearchConfig.ini", new ConnectionManager);
$numDbSets = $dbsetAdapter->getNumDBSets();
答案 1 :(得分:1)
class DBSets {
private $num;
private $data;
function __construct() {
$this->num = 0;
$this->data = [];
//setters and getters for accessing private properties
如果$ num只存储$ data中元素的数量,那么你可以删除它并使用